Updated 11 days ago
Room 435, 2400 Augusta Drive 04400
MAGILABS is a result of co-operation between two gemologists, Mikko Åström FGA and Alberto Scarani GG. The project began in 2011 when it was found the combination of experience between the two allowed designing & building GemmoRaman™ - the world's first fully automatic gem material identification instrument...
GemmoFtir™ works with the same familiar software as other MAGILABS products, provided with it's own growing FTIR- libraries. Each important gem species has its own library and a set of further analysis applications...
GemmoFtir™ has been designed to require only minimal maintenance. Silica gel of the desiccator needs to be renewed monthly by heating it in a microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. The gel changes its color from orange (dry) to green (wet), giving a visual indication for the right timing. Alternatively, low cost and non-poisonous gel can be exchanged to fresh one and used material can be freely disposed as normal waste.
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