Updated 902 days ago
- Age: 27 years
- ID: 23146162/107
1689 C Street, Suite 219 Anchorage, AK 99501
TFab Ground Systems, LLC (TFG) was formed in 2008 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc. (TMGI) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyonek Native Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation...
Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc (TMGI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyonek Native Corporation (Tyonek). Tyonek is an Alaska Native Corporation formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) and is governed by a Board of nine (9) Directors and management staff, who are accountable to a community of nearly 800 shareholders...
Tyonek Fabrication Corporation (TFAB) was formed in 1996 with manufacturing capabilities being developed in 1999. TFAB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc. (TMGI) which is itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Tyonek Native Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation.
Also known as: Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc
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