Updated today
- Age: 14 years
- ID: 23064882/119
Bože Jankovića 76, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Serbia Incoming™ DMC was founded in 2011. by a team of experts in the tourism industry. In a very short time, it established its position in the Serbian and worldwide markets, developing its business and aiming its goals at specific clients. Today Serbia Incoming™ DMC stands as a hallmark of excellent service in the Balkan region... Thanks to it's position, connectivity and affordable prices, Serbia is easily climbing to a position of serious contester among Corporate destinations. Belgrade is, without any doubt, the most prominent destination for business in Southeast Europe; and as such - a remarkable representative of Serbia's MICE offer... Extraordinary travel experiences require highly personalized service. Let us un-complicate your journey. Our travel experts will design a memorable trip that meets your exacting standards. With thorough local knowledge on the ground and well-established relations and contacts within the finest hotels and restaurants in Serbia and Balkan region,..
Also known as: Serbia, Serbia Incoming