Updated 9 days ago
NYU Medical Center 227 East 30 th Street, 7 th floor New York, NY 10016 USA
Manual and semi-automatic segmentation still playing a con sider able role in medical image analysis, the col labo ration of more than one human observer (segmen tor) may be desir able for several reasons, in clud ing split-up of work load, re view of re sults by a more ex peri enced ob server, and esti ma tion of multi-observer vari abil ity. To this end, a frame work is current ly being de signed, al low ing for manage ment of ori ginal image data as well as multi ple users' contri butions, and sup port ing con soli dation into a con census along with an esti mate of its un cer tain ty. A proto type of a such frame work is being im ple mented, in clud ing basic segmen tation tools, thus cre at ing the foun da tions for further re fine ment of col labo rative ap proaches... Conventional sub-voxel edge detectors act on the as sump tion of a box-shaped voxel aper ture, or, using an equivalent formulation, point spread function (PSF). This assumtion is quite well fulfilled by industrial..