F3 LAW - History of Changes

2023-04-04 delete source_ip
2023-04-04 insert source_ip
2023-04-04 insert source_ip
2023-04-04 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2022-04-02 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2022-02-06 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2021-07-29 insert otherexecutives Vanessa Lee
2021-07-29 delete person J. Sterling Elmore
2021-07-29 update person_description Dee Anna Hassanpour => Dee Anna Hassanpour
2021-07-29 update person_description Jonathan A. Salt => Jonathan A. Salt
2021-07-29 update person_description Seth N. Eckstein => Seth N. Eckstein
2021-07-29 update person_title Dee Anna Hassanpour: Associate => Partner
2021-07-29 update person_title Douglas N. Freifeld: Partner at Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost => Partner
2021-07-29 update person_title Jonathan A. Salt: Senior Associate; Office Manager; Associate General Counsel => Partner
2021-07-29 update person_title Vanessa Lee: Associate => Executive Director; Associate
2021-05-27 delete person Nima A. Jalali
2021-04-10 insert personal_emails jy..@f3law.com
2021-04-10 insert personal_emails km..@f3law.com
2021-04-10 delete address 7108 North Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93720
2021-04-10 delete address 7108 North Fresno Street, Suite 270, Fresno, CA 93720
2021-04-10 delete person Sarah E. Orloff
2021-04-10 insert address 30 River Park Pl. W Fresno, CA 93720
2021-04-10 insert address 30 River Park Pl. W, Suite 400, Fresno, CA 93720
2021-04-10 insert email jy..@f3law.com
2021-04-10 insert email km..@f3law.com
2021-04-10 insert person James Yoon
2021-04-10 update person_title Angie King: Office Manager => Office Manager; Client Services Manager
2021-04-10 update person_title Deetra Roulhac: Office Manager => Information Technology Manager
2021-01-16 insert chieflegalofficer Lee G. Rideout
2021-01-16 delete person Lori Y. Chiu
2021-01-16 update person_description A. Star Leal => A. Star Leal
2021-01-16 update person_description Jessica E. Ehrlich => Jessica E. Ehrlich
2021-01-16 update person_title Lee G. Rideout: Associate => Senior Counsel
2020-10-06 delete person Jennifer Michael-Stevens
2020-10-06 update person_description Kathleen A. McDonald => Kathleen A. McDonald
2020-05-03 update person_description Matthew C. Vance => Matthew C. Vance
2020-04-03 update person_description Lori Y. Chiu => Lori Y. Chiu
2020-03-03 delete person Cary Mullen
2020-03-03 delete person James K. Ayden
2020-03-03 delete person Joanna Powell
2020-03-03 delete person Meg E. Keaney
2020-03-03 update person_description Natalie M. Garnica => Natalie M. Garnica
2020-02-02 delete person Kaley A. Lichtman
2020-02-02 update person_description Sarah D. Polito => Sarah D. Polito
2020-02-02 update person_title Lee G. Rideout: Senior Associate => Associate
2019-12-03 update person_description Douglas N. Freifeld => Douglas N. Freifeld
2019-12-03 update person_title Douglas N. Freifeld: Partner => Partner at Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost
2019-11-02 delete otherexecutives Angela Gordon
2019-11-02 delete person Christina Wa
2019-11-02 delete person Colby Mills
2019-11-02 update person_title Angela Gordon: Executive Director => Office Managing Associate
2019-11-02 update person_title Maribel Mejia-Moran: Office Administrator => Office Manager
2019-10-03 delete email mb..@f3law.com
2019-10-03 delete person Maryann Barth
2019-10-03 insert email mm..@f3law.com
2019-10-03 insert email tp..@f3law.com
2019-10-03 insert person Maribel Mejia-Moran
2019-10-03 insert person Tammy Palmer
2019-10-03 update person_description Joanna Powell => Joanna Powell
2019-09-02 delete otherexecutives John Singsank
2019-09-02 insert general_emails co..@f3law.com
2019-09-02 delete email dp..@f3law.com
2019-09-02 delete person Dottie Porst
2019-09-02 delete person Lorena Nuñez
2019-09-02 insert email co..@f3law.com
2019-09-02 update person_description Mary "Meg" Keaney => Meg E. Keaney
2019-09-02 update person_title John Singsank: Executive Director; Controller => Controller
2019-08-03 delete person Maryam Rastegar
2019-07-04 delete person Luke P. Boughen
2019-07-04 update person_description M. Alejandra León => M. Alejandra León
2019-06-01 insert email ak..@f3law.com
2019-06-01 update person_description Jonathan A. Salt => Jonathan A. Salt
2019-06-01 update person_description Lori Y. Chiu => Lori Y. Chiu
2019-06-01 update person_title Jonathan A. Salt: Associate; Associate General Counsel => Senior Associate; Office Manager; Associate General Counsel
2019-05-02 delete person Donald D. McCann
2019-05-02 delete person Katayoon M. Hemati
2019-05-02 insert email cp..@f3law.com
2019-03-31 delete personal_emails ct..@f3law.com
2019-03-31 delete email ct..@f3law.com
2019-03-31 delete person Connie Tademy
2019-03-31 delete person José Mendoza
2019-03-31 insert email sr..@f3law.com
2019-03-31 insert person Sara Rosas
2019-02-16 delete person Lynn M. Beekman
2018-11-27 delete person Marina L. Ramirez
2018-11-27 insert person Kara R. Walton
2018-10-16 update person_description Jordan I. Bilbeisi => Jordan I. Bilbeisi
2018-09-15 delete personal_emails nm..@f3law.com
2018-09-15 delete email nm..@f3law.com
2018-09-15 delete person Cynthia L. Sands
2018-09-15 delete person Nancy McHugh
2018-09-15 insert person Colby Mills
2018-08-08 insert person Vanessa Lee
2018-08-08 update person_description Siobhan H. Cullen => Siobhan H. Cullen
2018-08-08 update person_title Siobhan H. Cullen: Associate at Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost => Senior Associate
2018-06-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain csba.org
2018-06-18 delete person Brown Signs Law
2018-06-18 delete person Howard A. Friedman
2018-06-18 delete person Richard Yao
2018-06-18 insert person Natalie M. Garnica
2018-06-18 insert person Sarah D. Polito
2018-06-18 insert person Seth N. Eckstein
2018-06-18 update person_description Maryam Rastegar => Maryam Rastegar
2018-04-20 delete person Lindsay E. Ingham
2018-04-20 delete person Paul A. Aguilar
2018-04-20 insert person David A. Obrand
2018-04-20 insert person David Salazar
2018-04-20 insert person Donald D. McCann
2018-04-20 insert person Katayoon M. Hemati
2018-03-17 delete person Anna E. Barth
2018-03-17 update person_title Jacqueline M. Litra: Associate => Partner
2018-02-01 insert person Cynthia L. Sands
2018-02-01 insert person Summer D. Dalessandro
2017-12-22 insert index_pages_linkeddomain csba.org
2017-11-24 delete person David N. Israel
2017-11-24 insert person Paul A. Aguilar
2017-10-25 update person_description Kelley A. Owens => Kelley A. Owens
2017-09-14 delete otherexecutives Chris Knight
2017-09-14 delete otherexecutives Wesley D. King
2017-09-14 insert otherexecutives Angela Gordon
2017-09-14 insert otherexecutives John Singsank
2017-09-14 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2017-09-14 delete person Jose A. Mendoza
2017-09-14 delete person Wesley D. King
2017-09-14 insert person Joanna Powell
2017-09-14 insert person José A. Mendoza
2017-09-14 update person_description Lori Y. Chiu => Lori Y. Chiu
2017-09-14 update person_description Luke P. Boughen => Luke P. Boughen
2017-09-14 update person_title Angela Gordon: Office Managing Associate; Office Managing Partner => Executive Director; Office Managing Partner
2017-09-14 update person_title Chris Knight: Executive Director; Accounting Manager => Accounting Manager
2017-09-14 update person_title John Singsank: Controller => Executive Director; Controller
2017-08-04 delete personal_emails cs..@f3law.com
2017-08-04 delete personal_emails rf..@f3law.com
2017-08-04 insert otherexecutives M. Alejandra León
2017-08-04 delete email cs..@f3law.com
2017-08-04 delete email rf..@f3law.com
2017-08-04 delete person M. Alejandra Léon
2017-08-04 insert person John Singsank
2017-08-04 insert person M. Alejandra León
2017-08-04 update person_title Cynthia M. Smith: Partner => Office Managing Associate; Office Managing Partner
2017-08-04 update person_title Paul G. Thompson: Managing Partner of Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento; Office Managing Associate => Partner
2017-07-07 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave. San Diego, California 92008
2017-07-07 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, San Diego, California 92008
2017-07-07 delete person Stephanie S. Baril
2017-07-07 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-07-07 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-07-07 insert person Anna E. Barth
2017-07-07 insert person Christina Wa
2017-07-07 insert person J. Sterling Elmore
2017-07-07 insert person Lindsay E. Ingham
2017-07-07 insert person Lisa C. Dennis
2017-07-07 update person_description Melanie D. Larzul => Melanie D. Larzul
2017-07-07 update person_title Melanie D. Larzul: Office Managing Associate; Director of Communications => Partner; Director of Communications
2017-07-07 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-06-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-05-15 delete source_ip
2017-05-15 insert source_ip
2017-03-13 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-03-13 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-03-13 delete address 70 Washington Street Oakland, California 94607
2017-03-13 delete email ct..@f3law.com
2017-03-13 delete email dm..@f3law.com
2017-03-13 delete person Dionne Murphy
2017-03-13 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave. San Diego, California 92008
2017-03-13 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, San Diego, California 92008
2017-03-13 insert email jf..@f3law.com
2017-03-13 insert email jw..@f3law.com
2017-03-13 insert email mb..@f3law.com
2017-03-13 insert person Connie Situ
2017-03-13 insert person David N. Israel
2017-03-13 insert person Jane Forrette
2017-03-13 insert person Jennifer Willhite
2017-03-13 insert person Katelyn E. Trottier
2017-03-13 insert person Maryann Barth
2017-03-13 update person_description James K. Ayden => James K. Ayden
2017-03-13 update person_description Roy A. Combs => Roy A. Combs
2017-03-13 update person_title Lynn M. Beekman: Special Counsel in Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's San Diego => Partner
2017-01-27 insert personal_emails dr..@f3law.com
2017-01-27 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave. San Diego, California 92008
2017-01-27 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, San Diego, California 92008
2017-01-27 delete address 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South, Suite 110, Inland Empire, CA 92508
2017-01-27 delete address Inland Empire 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South Inland Empire, CA 92508
2017-01-27 delete person Travis A. Brooks
2017-01-27 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-01-27 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, Carlsbad, California 92008
2017-01-27 insert address 4160 Temescal Canyon Road, Suite 610, Corona, CA 92883
2017-01-27 insert address Inland Empire 4160 Temescal Canyon Road Corona, CA 92883
2017-01-27 insert email dr..@f3law.com
2017-01-27 insert person Deetra Roulhac
2017-01-27 insert person Kaley A. Lichtman
2017-01-27 update person_title Gregory T. Groce: Office Manager => Human Resources Manager
2016-12-23 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008
2016-12-23 delete address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, Carlsbad, California 92008
2016-12-23 delete address 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South, Suite 110, Riverside, CA 92508
2016-12-23 delete address Inland Empire 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South Riverside, CA 92508
2016-12-23 delete person Justin J. Simpson
2016-12-23 delete person K. Abbe Anderson
2016-12-23 delete person Lillian C. Kirby
2016-12-23 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave. San Diego, California 92008
2016-12-23 insert address 1525 Faraday Ave., Suite 300, San Diego, California 92008
2016-12-23 insert address 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South, Suite 110, Inland Empire, CA 92508
2016-12-23 insert address Inland Empire 7898 Mission Grove Parkway South Inland Empire, CA 92508
2016-12-23 insert career_pages_linkeddomain eeoc.gov
2016-12-23 insert person Jacqueline M. Litra
2016-12-23 insert person M. Lorena Nuñez
2016-12-23 insert person Nima Jalali
2016-12-23 insert person Sarah E. Orloff
2016-12-23 update person_description James R. Traber => James R. Traber
2016-12-23 update person_title Kathleen J. McKee: of Counsel => Partner
2016-10-29 delete person Dean T. Adams
2016-10-29 delete person Kerrie E. McNally
2016-10-29 delete person Kimberly A. Smith
2016-10-29 update person_title Gretchen M. Shipley: Partner => Office Managing Associate; Office Managing Partner
2016-09-03 delete person Calvin Yang
2016-08-06 insert otherexecutives Lee G. Rideout
2016-08-06 insert otherexecutives Melanie D. Larzul
2016-08-06 insert email dm..@f3law.com
2016-08-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2016-08-06 insert person Dionne Murphy
2016-08-06 update person_description Melanie D. Larzul => Melanie D. Larzul
2016-08-06 update person_title Angela Gordon: Partner => Office Managing Associate; Office Managing Partner
2016-08-06 update person_title Brian D. Bock: Office Managing Partner; Managing Partner => Office Managing Associate; Managing Partner
2016-08-06 update person_title David A. Moreno: Office Manager; Member of the National School Boards Association 's Council of School Attorneys; Managing Partner => Member of the National School Boards Association 's Council of School Attorneys; Office Managing Associate; Managing Partner
2016-08-06 update person_title Dean T. Adams: Office Manager; Dean; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association => Dean; Office Managing Associate; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association
2016-08-06 update person_title Kathleen A. McDonald: Associate => Office Manager; Office Managing Associate
2016-08-06 update person_title Lee G. Rideout: null => Executive Director; Senior Associate
2016-08-06 update person_title Melanie D. Larzul: Associate => Office Managing Associate; Director of Communications
2016-08-06 update person_title Paul G. Thompson: Managing Partner of Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento; Office Managing Partner => Managing Partner of Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento; Office Managing Associate
2016-07-09 delete email jf..@f3law.com
2016-07-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain csba.org
2016-07-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain edsurge.com
2016-07-09 delete person Jane Forrette
2016-07-09 insert person K. Abbe Anderson
2016-07-09 insert person Maryam Rastegar
2016-05-09 delete email ms..@f3law.com
2016-05-09 delete person Melanie D. Seymour
2016-05-09 insert email ml..@f3law.com
2016-05-09 insert person Melanie D. Larzul
2016-05-09 update person_title Justin J. Simpson: Associate in Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento => Senior Associate in Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento
2016-04-10 delete person Kelly R. Minnehan
2016-04-10 insert person Lillian C. Kirby
2016-04-10 insert person M. Lance Kennix
2016-04-10 insert person Marina L. Ramirez
2016-04-10 insert person Richard Yao
2016-04-10 update person_description Howard A. Friedman => Howard A. Friedman
2016-04-10 update person_description Matthew C. Vance => Matthew C. Vance
2016-04-10 update person_description Wesley D. King => Wesley D. King
2016-04-10 update person_title Howard A. Friedman: Leader; Partner => in - House Counsel; of Counsel
2016-04-10 update person_title Kathleen J. McKee: Partner => of Counsel
2016-02-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain sched.org
2016-01-26 delete coo Annette Roe
2016-01-26 insert otherexecutives Chris Knight
2016-01-26 delete email ar..@f3law.com
2016-01-26 delete index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2016-01-26 delete index_pages_linkeddomain depts.washington.edu
2016-01-26 delete person Annette Roe
2016-01-26 insert email ck..@f3law.com
2016-01-26 insert index_pages_linkeddomain edsurge.com
2016-01-26 insert index_pages_linkeddomain sched.org
2016-01-26 insert person Chris Knight
2016-01-26 insert person Rikesha S. Lane
2016-01-26 update person_description David Mishook => David Mishook
2016-01-26 update person_title Douglas N. Freifeld: Office Managing Partner => Partner
2015-10-25 delete otherexecutives Paul G. Thompson
2015-10-25 delete personal_emails jw..@f3law.com
2015-10-25 delete email jw..@f3law.com
2015-10-25 delete person Jennifer Willhite
2015-10-25 delete person Karen E. Samman
2015-10-25 delete person Sarah K. Moore
2015-10-25 insert address 70 Washington Street Oakland, California 94607
2015-10-25 update person_title Dean T. Adams: Dean; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association => Office Manager; Dean; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association
2015-10-25 update person_title Paul G. Thompson: Managing Partner of Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento; Director of Communications => Managing Partner of Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost 's Sacramento; Office Managing Partner
2015-08-30 delete person David G. Litman
2015-08-30 delete person Gregory Rodriguez
2015-08-30 delete person Maria D. Asturias
2015-08-30 insert person Sarah K. Moore
2015-08-30 update person_description Jennifer R. Rowe Gonzalez => Jennifer R. Rowe Gonzalez
2015-08-30 update person_description Lyndsy B. Rodgers => Lyndsy B. Rodgers
2015-08-30 update person_title Brian D. Bock: Partner => Managing Partner
2015-08-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2015-08-01 insert person Julie C. Coate
2015-08-01 insert person Travis A. Brooks
2015-08-01 update person_title Tiffany M. Santos: Senior Associate for San Diego => Partner
2015-06-26 update person_description Mary "Meg" Keaney => Mary "Meg" Keaney
2015-05-29 insert coo Annette Roe
2015-05-29 delete email ar..@fagenfriedman.com
2015-05-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain bit.ly
2015-05-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain lgla.net
2015-05-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain lrpinstitute.com
2015-05-29 delete person Connie Situ
2015-05-29 delete person Danielle Houck
2015-05-29 delete person Susan B. Winkelman
2015-05-29 insert email ct..@f3law.com
2015-05-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain depts.washington.edu
2015-05-29 insert person Connie Tademy
2015-05-29 insert person Lynn M. Beekman
2015-05-29 update person_title Annette Roe: Accounting Manager => Chief Operating Officer; Accounting Manager
2015-05-29 update person_title Christopher J. Fernandes: Office Manager; Partner => Office Manager; Managing Partner
2015-05-29 update person_title Tiffany M. Santos: Office Managing Senior Associate => Senior Associate for San Diego
2015-05-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2015-04-03 delete email df..@flaw.com
2015-04-03 delete email ko..@fagenfriedman.com
2015-04-03 delete email mf..@f3law.com.com
2015-04-03 delete person Daphne B. Hall
2015-04-03 insert email df..@f3law.com
2015-04-03 insert email ko..@f3law.com
2015-04-03 insert index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2015-04-03 insert person Stephanie S. Baril
2015-03-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain csba.org
2015-03-06 insert person Lori Y. Chiu
2015-03-06 update person_description Roy A. Combs => Roy A. Combs
2015-02-05 delete index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2015-02-05 insert person Amanda S. Georgino
2015-02-05 insert person Emily E. Sugrue
2015-02-05 insert person Lee G. Rideout
2015-02-05 insert person Matthew C. Vance
2014-12-29 delete email kt..@f3law.com
2014-12-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain calsa.org
2014-12-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain schoolenergysolutions.org
2014-12-29 delete person Kerrie E. Taylor
2014-12-29 insert email km..@f3law.com
2014-12-29 insert index_pages_linkeddomain lgla.net
2014-12-29 insert person Kerrie E. McNally
2014-12-29 update person_description Elizabeth B. (Lisa) Mori => Elizabeth B. (Lisa) Mori
2014-12-29 update person_description Luke P. Boughen => Luke P. Boughen
2014-11-24 delete email lr..@f3law.com
2014-11-24 delete person Leslie A. Reed
2014-11-24 insert email ll..@f3law.com
2014-11-24 insert person Katy L. McCully
2014-11-24 insert person Leslie R. Lacher
2014-11-24 update person_title Jordan I. Bilbeisi: Associate => Senior Associate
2014-11-24 update person_title Tiffany M. Santos: Office Managing Associate => Office Managing Senior Associate
2014-10-27 delete person Court Requires
2014-10-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2014-10-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain lrpinstitute.com
2014-10-27 insert person Gregory Rodriguez
2014-10-27 insert person Gwendolyn M. Olinski
2014-10-27 insert person James K. Ayden
2014-10-27 insert person Jonathan A. Salt
2014-10-27 update person_description Wesley D. King => Wesley D. King
2014-09-20 delete chairman Melanie A. Petersen
2014-09-20 delete email bb..@f3law.com.com
2014-09-20 delete person Melanie A. Petersen
2014-09-20 insert index_pages_linkeddomain schoolenergysolutions.org
2014-09-20 insert person Kathleen A. McDonald
2014-09-20 update person_description Jonathan P. Read => Jonathan P. Read
2014-09-20 update person_title Jonathan P. Read: Partner => Adjunct Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law; Founding Partner
2014-08-13 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2014-08-13 delete person Airionna S. Whitaker
2014-08-13 delete person Tatiana A. Small
2014-08-13 update person_description L. Carlos Villegas => L. Carlos Villegas
2014-08-13 update robots_txt_status www.f3law.com: 404 => 200
2014-08-03 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-07-01 delete personal_emails gg..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete personal_emails jw..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete personal_emails nm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 insert personal_emails cs..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert personal_emails gg..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert personal_emails jw..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert personal_emails nm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 delete email ag..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email al..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email as..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email aw..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email bb..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email cf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email cg..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ck..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email cs..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email cv..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email cv..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email da..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email da..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email db..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email df..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email dh..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email dl..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email dm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email dm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email dp..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email gg..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email gs..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email hf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email hf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jb..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jn..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jr..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jr..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email js..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email js..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jt..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jt..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email jw..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email km..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email km..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ks..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ks..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email kt..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email lb..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email lm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email lr..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email lr..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email lr..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ls..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mc..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mk..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mp..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mp..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ms..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email mw..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email nb..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email nm..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email pf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email pt..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email rc..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email rf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email sb..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email sc..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email so..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email sw..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email tf..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ts..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email ts..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email wk..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email wp..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete email yk..@fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain acsa.org
2014-07-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain casbo.org
2014-07-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain csba.org
2014-07-01 delete index_pages_linkeddomain fagenfriedman.com
2014-07-01 delete person Anna J. Miller
2014-07-01 delete person Matthew R. Dardenne
2014-07-01 insert about_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert about_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-07-01 insert about_pages_linkeddomain vimeo.com
2014-07-01 insert alias F3 Law
2014-07-01 insert career_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert career_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-07-01 insert career_pages_linkeddomain vimeo.com
2014-07-01 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain vimeo.com
2014-07-01 insert email ag..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email al..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ar..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email as..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email aw..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email bb..@f3law.com.com
2014-07-01 insert email cf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email cg..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ck..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email cs..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email cs..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email cv..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email cv..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email da..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email da..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email db..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email df..@flaw.com
2014-07-01 insert email dh..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email dl..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email dm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email dm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email dp..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email gg..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email gs..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email hf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email hf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jb..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jn..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jr..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jr..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email js..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email js..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jt..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jt..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email jw..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email km..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email km..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ks..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ks..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email kt..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email lb..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email lm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email lr..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email lr..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email lr..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ls..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email mc..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email mf..@f3law.com.com
2014-07-01 insert email mk..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email mp..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email mp..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ms..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email mw..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email nb..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email nm..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email pf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email pt..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email rc..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email rf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email sb..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email sc..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email so..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email sw..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email tf..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ts..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email ts..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email wk..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email wp..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert email yk..@f3law.com
2014-07-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert management_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert management_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-07-01 insert management_pages_linkeddomain vimeo.com
2014-07-01 insert person Connie Situ
2014-07-01 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-07-01 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-07-01 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain vimeo.com
2014-07-01 update person_description Joshua A. Stevens => Joshua A. Stevens
2014-07-01 update person_title Angela Gordon: Senior Associate => Partner
2014-07-01 update person_title Brian D. Bock: Partner in the Inland Empire => Partner
2014-07-01 update person_title Dean T. Adams: Member of the San Diego Team; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association; Partner in the San Diego => Member of the San Diego Team; Dean; Member of the San Diego County Bar Association
2014-07-01 update person_title L. Carlos Villegas: Associate in Fagen => Partner