Updated 13 days ago
21705 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98036
Emerald City Engineers is located in Lynnwood, WA. Their staff includes professionally licensed engineers for both mechanical and electrical engineering. ECE currently has a staff of 35 engineers. ECE is very active in design Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana...
Emerald City Engineers is a full-service Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing design firm specializing in hotels and multifamily housing, including affordable, student, and senior. Over 150,000 apartment and hotel units designed since 2013. We provide engineering, design and consulting services through subcontracting with architects, design-build contractors, building owners, and building developers. Thinking about Modular? Interested in removing gas and going "all electric"? ECE has the expertise to help you!
Also known as: Emerald City Engineers, Inc.
Associated domains: emeraldcityeng.com