Updated 35 days ago
by J. Calvin Smith, J. M. Atwood, map engraver, Philadelphia, Pa. 1862
This site contains several articles that focus on U.S. Telegraph-History. The majority of these articles first appeared in the "Key and Telegraph" column of "The AWA Journal," the quarterly magazine of the Antique Wireless Association (A non-profit historical society.) These web versions have been expanded to include additional information, images and illustrations. Some have evolved into comprehensive sites. Other articles are original classic works by telegraph pioneers, engineers and inventors. Certain new articles will be added here in the future...
An article and web site that lists U.S. telegraph manufacturers that were in operation prior to 1918. Also included are over 415 manufacturer ads with notes about the companies and people associated with them...
19th century telegraph instrument maker and inventor for The American Telegraph Co. and Western Union.