Updated 166 days ago
Gadebridge Park, Queensway, Hemel Hempstead HP1 1LS
At Hemel Hempstead Bowls Club we are committed to safeguarding all those who participate in our sport, ensuring that they can do so in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. We have adopted and follow all policies and guidelines approved by Bowls England alongside Anti-Doping Rules and all procedures set out in Bowls England Regulation 9, 9A and 9B. The Bowls England Safeguarding information can be found on www.bowlsengland.com/safeguarding/ . Our club and members will abide with all sanctions, recommendations and/or decisions from the Safeguarding Case Management Panel and/or National Disciplinary Panel. The club's Safeguarding Officer is Pennie Layzell who can be contacted at the club or on 07973 234024 if you have any concerns. Copies of the clubs Safeguarding and Anti-bullying policies can be found in the clubhouse... Today, membership stands at around 100 men and women bowlers who are part of a fully integrated club, which is reflected in the composition of the club's..