Updated 6 days ago
- Age: 60 years
- ID: 20285601/129 Keeping worth of experiences since 1964, we established this business entity in 2013 with a very unique concept of helping end users and the laboratories to save their time and money reaching out to each other and finding potential client server relationship. is committed to assist you with all types of inspections, lab testing and calibration services, related information and their accredited resources. It is honored with almost world-wide coverage for the same subject including entire Middle East, Far East, Central Asia, Sub-continent, North Africa, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. ATL helps you to instantly obtain services from our associate accredited companies around the world. We keep our information updated which is in fact a continuous process from inspection and lab testing experts (Current/Old Directors/Managers/PhDs/Chemists/Surveyors) and from their years and years experience in renowned companies..
Also known as: Accredited Test Labs