Updated 9 days ago
In addition to fostering new collaborations, the KI-Net objectives are to train a future generation of researchers to address emerging challenges in the three areas mentioned above, and to maintain the leading edge of the US on the international stage in this field, particularly through collaboration with the world leading KI-Net nodes. KI-Net is offering a unique platform to carry out these objectives. The network is centered around the following three hubs, which inter-connect 20 nodes through a series of edges involving their core participants...
KI-Net is offering a unique platform to carry out these objectives by fostering cross-fertilization between mathematics and other scientific disciplines. It is centered around three hubs: the Center for Scientific Computation & Math Modeling (CSCAMM) in the University of Maryland, the Institute for Computational and Engineering Science (ICES) at UT Austin, and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.