Updated 586 days ago
PO Box 123 Las Cruces, NM 88001
Our mission is to dig to find where the energy is located. Then elevating that energy and awareness to new heights. The ultimate goal is to empower YOU to find balance and inner peace...
At Animate You! we work with the unique person that is you, unveiling clarity on your feelings and ideas. Our mission is to enable you to put words to what is inside of you, that desire for fulfillment that is waiting to spring to life. This is an exciting time where the focus lies on what is possible, putting a name to what is missing, and taking action to fill the void. The internal energy flame begins to take on new heights similar to when one blows on a real flame and the oxygen stokes the embers...
At Animate You! we believe through discovering your authentic passions, you gain access to your power for action that improves all dimensions of your life. We can help you dig deep, uncover that power for action, and implement it in every facet of your life.