Updated 63 days ago
P.O. Box 300003 Houston, TX 77230
PursueHope is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductable in full or in part...
Pursuehope's curriculum aims to train the poor to rise above generations of absolute poverty by using the cumulative expertise of doctors, veterinarians, agriculture specialists, and conservationist who have many years of in-field service around the world. We have developed courses in areas such as the purification of water, clean burning stoves, livestock management, reproductive health, and more. And by leveraging diagrams, pictures, and real-world demonstrations, the curriculum is designed to be accessible to people of every level of education...
Leveraging diagrams, pictures, and real-world demonstrations through a combination of video and written materials, Pursuehope aims to reach people of every level of education and knowledge.
Also known as: Pursue Hope International