Updated 19 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 08833058 (CH)
- Age: 10 years
- ID: 18767039/138
Unit 1, Kingswood Close, Holbrooks, Coventry, CV6 4AZ
• 45200 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Auto Surgery is regarded as the number one choice for a car customisation centre and car repairs in Coventry. Auto Surgery is based in Coventry and serves customers within Coventry and its surrounding areas including the following: -... At Auto Surgery our specialist teams fall under two distinct categories that is "THE REPAIR TEAM" and the "CUSTOMISATION TEAM"... Auto Surgery began its operations as a mobile SMART repair company servicing local car dealerships and the general public. With rapid progression we have now expanded our services to handle ALL car body repair and customisation enquiries. The Auto Surgery car body repair system has been uniquely designed by leaders in the automotive and vehicle industry. Auto Surgery offers a same day body work service to any panel on your vehicle. Auto Surgery also provide a unique Window Tinting service (vehicle / car window tinting). Auto Surgery has a dedicated team to specifically deliver a professional application of privacy glass..
Also known as: AUTO SURGERY LIMITED, Auto Surgery Ltd., The Auto Surgery Ltd
Registration numbers: 08833058 (CH)