Alexander Ho

Job Titles:
  • Director at CheeseBB.Com
ITiX is great ! We were impressed by ITiX's knowledge of the eCommerce platform and website technologies overall. They guided us through the entire development process and I am happy with the result.

Charles Ng

Job Titles:
  • Chief Consultant at 鼎爺私房菜

Desmond Lai

Job Titles:
  • Director at 良心理財 - 黎家良

Dexter Cheng

Job Titles:
  • Managing Consultant at Aspiring Consulting Group Limited
Thanks so much for helping me to set up the website for my training business. Through the process, I have witnessed your professionalism, your artistic touch and commercial sensibility, and most of all, your patience with a layman like myself! I would recommend you to any business who would like to set up a quality professional website. A million thanks again!

Eric Chu

Job Titles:
  • Director at Full Partners Limited
Thanks for your professional advice and prompt services throughout our company's website design process. Your pro-active manner and suggestions make us feel easier to complete the project with reasonable timeline. Again, thank for your professional work.

Everest Chan

Job Titles:
  • Sales & Marketing Director at Emaux Water Technology Co., Ltd
ITiX has always been our preferred vendor for our company website. They are professional, flexible, and continuously deliver quality works on-time. Moreover, ITIX always gives valuable advice to our marketing team that allows us to use the best and latest technology available for our online marketing activities.

Fiona Chan

Job Titles:
  • Partner and Communications Director at Stapworks Stem Cell Limited
It is always a great pleasure to work with ITiX. We are impressed by ITiX which develops a user friendly, professional-looking and design-forward web page that clearly explains our unique philosophy and innovative human stem cell products to our audience and customers in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.

Ida Lau

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Corporate Development Manager at Wings Trading ( HK ) Company Limited
Thanks so much for your great work. Our new website looks trendy and easy to manage. Your teams are quick to response, professional & experience in website development and technical support. I am very pleased with your work done.

Kit Fung

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Manager at Science Park Food Lab Limited
Thanks ITiX for always being so professional and react very quickly for the technical support. ITiX web design is impressive and really put our company into the spotlight.

Kitty Au

Job Titles:
  • Director at Threshold Consultants Limited
Working with ITiX was a great experience. The website design service provided was very professional and responsive. We were very impressed with the enthusiasm demonstrated during the course of the design work. They really listened and comprehended our requirements and were able to incorporate them into the final product. We would not hesitate to recommend ITiX to any company, big or small, when website design service is needed.

Leo Yuen

Job Titles:
  • Director at 三隻小豬微電影廣告製作有限公司

Louis Chan

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director at Deli Communications

Michelle Au

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Manager at Hong Kong Energy and Minerals Associations ( HKEMUA )
I would recommended ITiX website team to other businesses. They went above and beyond in helping me create our site and truly trying to understand our needs. Their hard work, patience, and professionalism exceeded my expectations. It is a happy experience to work with ITiX. Thank you.