Updated 28 days ago
For over 32 years we have committed ourselves to deliver the highest standards of crew care. Our efforts are driven to deliver quality healthcare services with cost effectiveness, professionalism, integrity and through constant enhancements of our technological systems. We are a catalyst for positive change in the community, working with others to get things done for the good of the whole. As the industry dynamics and needs change, Shiny Medical changes to meet those needs. We adapt well to emerging trends in health care. Even when we are doing a great job, we look for ways in which we can continuously remain relevant and offer new programs. At the same time, we persist with our practices when we know them to be most effective... We provide medical examination services for various Shipping Companies & other Govt., Semi Government undertakings... We continuously examine the services we provide and what is needed in the community. We look for cracks in the healthcare system, fill..