Updated 19 days ago
3831 Shoenwald Lane Jacksonville, FL 32223
Merrell Engineering is a Professional Limited Liability Company organized under the laws of the State of Florida in 2002. It's General Manager, Mr. Duane R. Merrell, is a Professional Engineer with more than 25 years of experience in the design of bridges and heavy foundations and is currently licensed in the State of Florida. Mr. Merrell received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) from the University of Michigan in 1979 and was first licensed in Florida in 1985. Prior to moving to Jacksonville, he had been employed with Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates in St. Louis, Missouri, and David Volkert & Associates in Mobile, Alabama. Locally, Mr. Merrell has been employed with The Sverdrup Corporation, Flood Engineers, Pitman Hartenstein & Associates, and Connelly & Wicker Inc...
Merrell Engineering, PL specializes in the structural engineering of bridges, sign trusses, traffic signal mast arms, drainage structures, retaining walls, bulkheads, piers and foundations.