Updated 554 days ago
D'Helst 30, 9280 Lebbeke, Belgium
Homepost rents furniture to companies and embassies in Belgium who have to house for at least six months foreign employees or staff-members. With over 35 years experience, Homepost offers top-rate customer service...
Homepost delivers and installs the rental furniture all over Belgium. We have customers in Brussels, Antwerp, Chareleroi, Mons, Gent, Bruges and many other Belgian cities...
Homepost specialises in furniture rental solutions for expats, relocations and temporary employees. With us, you can rent everything for your home: furniture, washing machines, TV's, drapes, bedding, cutlery and much more! Our professional company offers furniture for rent to companies and embassies in Belgium who have to house foreign employees or staff members for at least 6 months.