Updated 23 days ago
1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean VA 22101
We are thankful that the Lord has brought you to this church family. We look forward to the opportunity to share a meal with you and get to know you better. We hope you can join our pastors and staff for this casual meal...
When you come to a worship service on Sunday, we believe it is an opportunity for you to meet with God, whether you're coming from a place of joy, sadness, brokenness, or, perhaps, all three. Read our full worship philosophy to understand how our value of grace-filled worship plays out in our church...
Couldn't find an answer to your question or just want to connect one-on-one with someone? Reach out to Director of Ministry Engagement, Ashley Guinn Taylor ( to learn how you and your family can find a church home here at McLean Presbyterian Church.
Also known as: McLean