GRACE - Key Persons

Agustin Giovanini

Job Titles:
  • IT Support Technician

Aimee Hoffman

Job Titles:
  • Missions Coordinator

Akash Ahuja

Job Titles:
  • Director of High School Ministry, Lexington Campus
Akash serves at the Lexington Campus as the High School Ministry Director, leading programming for our high school students, equipping and empowering volunteers, and connecting with parents. He has a passion for leadership, and loves seeing when students step up to serve others, as well as when he sees adults sharing their faith with the next generation. Before joining the Grace Chapel staff in 2019, Akash graduated from Gordon College and held a few different internships in the Grace Chapel network.

Anders Borg

Job Titles:
  • Director of Media & Technology

Andrea Mannala

Job Titles:
  • Event & Hospitality Specialist

Angela Rogers

Job Titles:
  • Children 's Ministry Director, Wilmington Campus
  • Children 's Ministry Director, Wilmington Campus / Watertown
  • Wilmington Campus As the Kidstown Director
Angela serves at the Wilmington Campus as the Kidstown Director. Her responsibilities include caring for newborns through 5 th graders, partnering with parents and small group leaders as they guide the faith of our youngest attendees, and managing to have all the fun in the process. Angela began attending Grace Chapel in 2001, when she started volunteering for Student Ministry. She eventually came on staff as the Student Ministry Administrator in 2007. After 9 years, she transitioned into her current position.

Barbara Beaudin

Job Titles:
  • Campus Administrator, Wilmington

Bethany Chase

Job Titles:
  • Office Administrator

Blaire Jenkins

Job Titles:
  • Foxboro Staff Member
  • Director of Student Ministry, Foxboro Campus
Blaire serves as the Director of Student Ministry at our Foxboro campus, helping lead students to discover and own their faith in the context of meaningful relationships. She is also responsible for much of the video content in Student Ministry across our campuses. Blaire started volunteering as a student leader with middle school ministry as a 9th grader and, while she's dabbled in other careers, she has continued to volunteer or work in student ministry ever since. Blaire started working at Grace Chapel in 2017 when our Foxboro campus launched and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership through Concordia University in California.

Bradford Fuller

Job Titles:
  • Director of Next Gen, Watertown Campus
  • Director of Next Gen, Watertown Campus / Foxboro

Bruce Fottler

Job Titles:
  • Facilities Manager

Bryan Picher

Job Titles:
  • Worship Leader, Foxboro Campus

Colin Pfund

Job Titles:
  • Tech Coordinator, Wilmington Campus

Courtney Daniel - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Finance

Dave McGaha

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Senior Producer

David Morreale

Job Titles:
  • Foxboro Staff Member
  • Foxboro Campus Pastor

Diana Etienne

Job Titles:
  • Facility Rental & Event Manager

Dominic Bronico

Job Titles:
  • Pastor of Connections and Young Adults

Earl Raney

Job Titles:
  • Worship Leader, Lexington Classic Service

Erin Martin

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Worship Ministry
Erin serves on our Central Ministry team as the Pastor of Worship, and also on our Wilmington Campus Team as the Worship Leader. She's responsible for the oversight of the worship services at all of our campuses and the care of our worship staff and volunteers. Erin was the Worship Director at a church in Haverhill, MA for 15 years before joining the Grace Chapel staff team in 2018.

Grace Choi

Job Titles:
  • Women 's Group Coordinator

Jared Willey - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Marketing
Jared serves on our Central Ministry team as the Director of Marketing, driving strategy and execution for Grace Chapel's online and in-person outreach efforts. He's responsible for internal and external communications, including creative content development and overall management of our online platforms like, our app, social media, and email. Jared served in the marketplace in a variety of marketing roles in the technology, financial services, and non-profit sectors before joining the Grace Chapel staff team in 2010.

Jean Claude Joseph

Job Titles:
  • Senior Maintenance Tech

Jeanette Yep

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Global and Regional Outreach
Jeanette has been serving on our Central Ministry team as the pastor of Missional Partnerships and Multicultural Ministry since 2007. She helps connect our congregation with what God is doing outside the walls of our campuses through our regional and global ministry partners. She coordinates our short-term missions ministry (called Cross-Cultural Learning Experiences or CCLEs), oversees our missions budget with a team of lay leaders, and helps Grace Chapel maintain vibrant, mutual partnerships with 50 regional and global missionaries and mission organizations. In her role as the pastor of multicultural ministry, Jeanette provides leadership to help our church become a more genuinely multiethnic and multicultural congregation. Prior to coming to Grace Chapel, Jeanette served for three decades with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship on local campuses, in national leadership (where she was the vice president for Multiethnic Ministries) and was involved in training and developing younger leaders globally through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Jeanette graduated from Mount Holyoke College and Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. She has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Regent College (Vancouver). She is one of the authors of Following Jesus without Dishonoring Your Parents, a book written specifically for AAPI collegians and young adults. To relax, Jeanette walks her dog, gardens, has friends over for meals and watches reality TV shows about fishing, pets and chefs.

Jenna Vance-Martin

Job Titles:
  • Director of Middle School Ministry, Lexington Campus / Wilmington

Jennifer Polimeno

Job Titles:
  • Finance Associate

Jin Choi

Job Titles:
  • Video Producer / Editor

Jon Kim

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Online Community & Lexington Associate Campus Pastor
Jon Kim serves in a dual capacity as both our online campus pastor and associate pastor on our Lexington campus. He is responsible for both shepherding our online community and helping oversee visitor and group engagement in Lexington. Jon previously served as the Student Ministry Pastor in Lexington after he joined Grace Chapel staff in 2017.

Joseph Stucker

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Systems Analyst

Joshua Clough

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • Senior Pastor

Josiah Kish

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor, Wilmington Campus

Karen Gatchell-Young

Job Titles:
  • Kidstown Supervisor, Lexington & Curriculum Specialist, Central

Kathleen Heroux - CIO

Job Titles:
  • IT Director

Kathryn Morris

Job Titles:
  • Groups Administrator

Kathryn O'Leary

Job Titles:
  • Worship Leader
Kathryn serves as a Worship Leader for our Lexington campus. Kathryn has been leading worship for over two decades and spends her time ministering to people wounded by painful church experiences. Her passion is to see the broader church deal honestly with the vestiges of racism that continue to impact our communities and grieve the heart of God. When not at church, Kathryn writes music, reads avidly, drinks a lot of coffee, and keeps tabs on her five kids. She believes in the faithfulness of the Lord amidst adversity, and that the best theological insights come from children. Kathryn joined the Grace Chapel staff team in 2018.

Kristine Beatty

Job Titles:
  • Campus Administrator, Watertown

Kurt Drescher

Job Titles:
  • Pastor of Stewardship
Kurt serves on our Central Ministry team as the Pastor of Stewardship. He is responsible for advancing the mission of the church by casting vision, providing leadership and developing resources in support of the call of God's people to be good stewards of all the gifts He has given to us. Kurt is also the chief fundraising strategist for the church, working with the Senior and Executive Pastors as well as pastoral staff to provide vision, leadership, direction, and coordination for all stewardship and fundraising initiatives. Prior to joining the staff at Grace Chapel, Kurt served as Vice President of Advancement at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, overseeing all institutional fundraising and communications efforts for the seminary. Kurt has been an active member of Grace Chapel since the early 90's. As a volunteer, he has served three terms as an overseeing elder and has served on several ministry teams including multiple capital campaign teams. Kurt has held positions in communications and fundraising for three decades before joining the Grace Chapel staff team in 2018.

Leah Knight Breton

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Digital Ministry

Margie Sellman

Job Titles:
  • Facility Director

Mark MacDonald

Job Titles:
  • Executive
  • Member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • Pastor
Mark serves as the Executive Pastor, supporting our growth strategy, finance, operations, and staff management among many other duties. He also leads our staff executive team and serves on our Board of Elders. Mark served in a variety of business leadership roles in the manufacturing, technology, and educational sectors including starting and running an EdTech company before joining the Grace Chapel staff team in 2019. Mark has been an active member and servant-leader at Grace Chapel since 2007, first in Lexington then in Watertown before joining staff. Mark has served in the Welcome Ministry at both campuses, engaged in several small groups, and helped form the Campus Leadership Team in Watertown at its inception. Mark also served on various nominating, finance and search committees. Mark describes his journey as: "I grew up in a Christian home where God and His Church were an integral part of life. As we moved around the country, our new church families quickly helped us feel at home and welcome in a new city. Those dedicated people who made us feel at home are why I have a strong passion for welcoming new people and driving outreach." Mark, his wife Susan, and their 3 teenagers live in Newton and would be happy to talk about anything related to our beloved Boston sports teams at any time!

Matt Fong

Job Titles:
  • Campus Administrator

Matthew Ataya

Job Titles:
  • SHINE Director, Lexington Campus

Meg Nelson

Job Titles:
  • Foxboro Staff Member
  • Campus Administrator, Foxboro
Meg serves at the Foxboro campus as Campus Administrator, where her main areas of focus are logistical support and communication. Meg has over 15 years of ministry leadership experience as well as degrees from Gordon Colle ge and Boston University School of Theology, which guide her in her work to help the ministries in Foxboro thrive. She joined the Grace Chapel staff team in 2018.

Michael Harrison

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer

Michele Sperry

Job Titles:
  • Staff Accountant

Nia Green

Job Titles:
  • Worship Leader, Lexington Contemporary & Digital Worship

Patricia Lake

Job Titles:
  • Director of Children 's Ministry, Lexington Campus

Patti Quigley

Job Titles:
  • Campus Administrator, Lexington Campus
Patti serves at our Lexington campus as Campus Administrator, lending support to the Lexington Campus Pastor and team of Directors and Pastors. She brings several years' experience in Administration and holds a BSBA from Northeastern University, with HR and Management as her majors. Patti started at Grace Chapel in 2014 in a Children's Ministry support role, before serving as a Ministry Team Coordinator to all our campuses.

Peter Holscher - COO

Job Titles:
  • Operations Director
Peter serves on our Central Ministry Team as the Director of Operations, overseeing our Facility, I.T., Campus Technology, Crossroads Café, and Rental departments as well as special campus projects and buildouts. Peter coordinates the Look & Feel of all our buildings across all campuses. He's responsible for creating and maintaining safe, comfortable, inviting spaces that have multi-use opportunities for both Grace Chapel ministries and community engagement. Prior to coming to Grace Chapel in 2006, Peter worked in the hotel and conference hospitality field throughout his career. He grew up in Rhode Island working for the family greenhouse business and eventually moved to Massachusetts to attend Bentley University, where he received degrees in both Marketing and Business Management. He enjoys traveling to anywhere there are palm trees and loves bacon and German Shepherds.

Rachel Keeler

Job Titles:
  • Lexington Staff Member
  • Lexington Campus Pastor
Rachel Keeler is Grace Chapel's Lexington Campus Pastor. In that role, she works with the amazing Lexington Campus staff team and an equally amazing group of lay leaders and volunteers to oversee the wide variety of ministries God has planted and nurtured at the Lexington Campus! Rachel also leads the Tuesday morning and evening women's Bible study groups in Lexington. She loves to read the Scriptures in community, and has a passion for reaching those who feel far from God and church. Originally from Long Island, NY, Rachel attended the College of the Holy Cross, graduating with a BA in Religious Studies, and received her Master of Divinity from Weston Jesuit School of Theology. After working for many years in a variety of Catholic ministries, Rachel began sensing a call from God to something new and different in her discipleship journey, and in 2017 she and her family began worshipping at Grace. In 2020, Rachel joined the Grace Chapel staff as Pastor of Women's Groups and Leader Development. Rachel and her husband, Noel Flatt, have two teenaged children and live in Belmont. Their family loves eating Tex-Mex and going on adventures of any kind!

Rita MacKinnon

Job Titles:
  • Foxboro Staff Member
  • Director of Children 's Ministry, Foxboro
Rita serves at our Foxboro Campus as the Director of Children's Ministry. Her responsibilities include caring for children ages newborn through 5 th grade by providing a well trained and gifted team of volunteers who love God, love children and desire to see them come to know Jesus at a young age. Rita served in college ministry, youth ministry, and women's ministry before she found her passion 20 years ago in children's ministry. She joined Grace Chapel in July of 2017.

Ruthie Seiders

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Central Ministries
Ruthie serves as the Pastor for Central Ministries. In this role she supports the pastors of Community Care, Community Engagement, Group Life, Missional Partnerships and Multicultural Ministry and Worship. In her central role Ruthie serves on the Executive Team and oversees our Pastoral Residency Program, Intern Program, Baptisms, Camp of the Woods, and partners with the church membership process and pastoral staff development. Previous to joining the staff at Grace Chapel in 2015, Ruthie served in next generation ministries with churches in Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and New York.

Sharon Whitehead - CHRO

Job Titles:
  • Human Resources Director

Stephen Nyakairu

Job Titles:
  • Watertown Campus Pastor

Sunny Toews

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Care & Support
Sunny serves on our Central Ministry team as the Pastor of Care & Support, overseeing our care and support ministries for all of the campuses. The different support ministries include Pathways to Parenthood, GriefShare, FoodBank, (En)Courage, Benevolence Fund, Homebound, Nursing Home, Stephen Ministry, First Place For Health, Prayer, in addition to pastoral care. Sunny has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and completed her post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University. She served in the mental health sector before joining the Grace Chapel staff team in 2017.

Thomas Lee

Job Titles:
  • Lexington Staff Member
  • Campus Pastor
Pastor Tom has served as the Grace Chapel East Lexington Campus Pastor since 2016, having previously served at the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church Newton Campus for 15 years, and the BCEC Chinatown Campus for 15 years before that. Thomas is graduate of Tufts University, Trinity Divinity School, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and most recently Talbot School of Theology.

Tim Ghali

Job Titles:
  • Pastor, Discipleship
Tim serves on our Central Ministry team as the Pastor of Discipleship. He's responsible for providing the vision, strategy, training, and resources to all of our groups across our campuses. Tim has been serving in the pastorate for over twenty years, and joined the GC Staff in 2011. He received his Master of Divinity from Missio Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a doctorate on Christian organizational leadership across generations at Fuller Seminary.

Tom Mailhot

Job Titles:
  • Production & Media Specialist

Tom VanAntwerp

Job Titles:
  • Wilmington Campus Pastor
Tom VanAntwerp is Grace Chapel's Wilmington Campus Pastor. He oversees all ministry and program activity at the Wilmington campus, serving alongside some of the greatest people in the world! In addition to his campus responsibilities, Tom leads the Campus Pastor Team and serves on the Central Teaching Team and the Executive Team. Tom was born and raised in upstate NY and attended Wheaton College, IL - graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education and received his Master of Divinity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. While at Wheaton, he met his wife Julie. He served as a Youth Pastor in churches in Battle Creek, Michigan; Malden, MA; and Weston, MA. Tom has been on the staff of Grace Chapel since 1999 - first working with Young Adults and Singles, then as Pastor of Community Life, and now as the Pastor of the Wilmington Campus. Tom lives in Billerica, MA.

Toni Colarullo

Job Titles:
  • Central Ministry Assistant

Victor Matos

Job Titles:
  • Director of Student Ministry, Wilmington Campus

Vivian Marcano

Job Titles:
  • Deaf Ministries
Vivian serves our Lexington campus and Central Ministry team as the Director of Deaf Ministries. Her responsibilities include working with a team of lay leaders to provide American Sign Language (ASL) classes to the hearing community, providing a deaf-led Bible study, and developing a close-knit Grace Chapel community for the deaf. Vivian has attended Grace Chapel since 1981, and joined the staff in her position as Director of Deaf Ministries in 1991.