Updated 856 days ago
128 East 65th St New York, NY 10065 United States of America
BBG's approach to consulting reflects our work experience and our early training in classic strategic concepts... We believe we offer a new model for consulting. Our flat structure - partner, manager, associate - means that our clients get more responsive, leaner and flexible service. Our "outside in" analyses of industry dynamics far exceeds what internal planning groups can create in both its comprehensiveness and depth. Yet we are trusted as if we were an internal but objective swat team reserved for the most critical issues. So our relationships last. We help our clients lead and succeed as individuals doing what is right for their companies. We go where they go in their careers... ยท The second is strategic sourcing.. We helped to start this new approach to operations and manufacturing with our work on strategic sourcing. We sought bigger wins or win-wins for our clients by reverse engineering their suppliers economics with the same attention to structure and conduct we used to..
Also known as: Baldwin Bell
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