Updated 11 days ago
For those wondering why we've developed Troll Knoll the way we have, here's a background story. Like most of the garden, it's a conceptual metaphor. It is also a love story that spans decades. The garden was started as a ‘getaway and sanctuary' for the Head Troll's spouse and the Troll after he retired at 46…a place to unwind after a long and sometimes stressful day at work… and a life to enjoy. But that is another story...
For just a moment, consider a time long ago. Imagine a rural setting with a narrow road climbing a hill. On that road is an old man, deeply tanned by the years, carrying a canvas and leather backpack. He's repaired the stitches and replaced its flap over the years. And now he's walking toward an old estate. He passes the sturdy iron front gate and uses a key to open a smaller one, partially obscured by overgrown shrubbery...
A Garden Like No Other