MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH - History of Changes

2022-07-20 delete directions_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2022-07-20 delete index_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2022-07-20 delete index_pages_linkeddomain mychurchevents.com
2022-07-20 delete index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2022-07-20 delete person Andrea Ball
2022-07-20 delete person Stephen L. Hadden
2022-07-20 delete person Zachary Rankin
2022-07-20 insert about_pages_linkeddomain themehall.com
2022-07-20 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain themehall.com
2022-07-20 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2022-07-20 insert directions_pages_linkeddomain themehall.com
2022-07-20 insert index_pages_linkeddomain themehall.com
2022-07-20 insert management_pages_linkeddomain themehall.com
2022-07-20 insert person Alejandro Pantoja
2021-12-15 delete email an..@midwaybc.net
2021-12-15 insert email co..@midwaybc.net
2021-12-15 insert person Cody Davidson
2021-12-15 update person_description Andrea Ball => Andrea Ball
2021-12-15 update person_title Andrea Ball: Children 's Minister => Children 's Minister Emeritus
2020-03-22 delete email za..@midwaybc.net
2020-03-22 update person_description Zachary Rankin => Zachary Rankin
2020-03-22 update person_title Zachary Rankin: Associate Pastor and Youth Pastor => Associate Pastor and Youth Pastor Emeritus
2019-11-18 insert email ja..@midwaybc.net
2019-11-18 insert person Jackie Cluxton
2019-11-18 update person_description Zachary Rankin => Zachary Rankin
2019-09-17 delete email ab..@midwaybc.net
2019-09-17 delete person Abby Fowler
2019-08-17 delete person Mrs Mona Garrison
2019-08-17 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-08-11 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-05-11 delete address Food Pantry Mission Midway Peru 2019
2018-12-31 insert address Food Pantry Mission Midway Peru 2019
2018-11-14 insert email ab..@midwaybc.net
2018-11-14 insert email an..@midwaybc.net
2018-11-14 insert email ev..@midwaybc.net
2018-11-14 insert email za..@midwaybc.net
2018-11-14 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-10-10 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-09-04 delete email mb..@midwaybc.net
2018-09-04 delete person Mike Allen
2018-09-04 update person_description Abby Fowler => Abby Fowler
2018-09-04 update person_description Andrea Ball => Andrea Ball
2018-09-04 update person_description Evan Rowe => Evan Rowe
2018-09-04 update person_description Zachary Rankin => Zachary Rankin
2018-09-04 update person_title Abby Fowler: Choir Director / Worship Leader Assistant => Interim Worship Leader and Choir Director
2018-09-04 update person_title Stephen L. Hadden: Senior Pastor Retired from MBC February 2018; Senior Pastor for Churches in Kentucky => Pastor Emeritus; Senior Pastor for Churches in Kentucky
2018-04-19 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-04-19 insert person Abby Fowler
2018-04-19 insert person Zachary Rankin
2018-04-19 update person_description Evan Rowe => Evan Rowe
2018-04-19 update person_title Evan Rowe: Associate Pastor => Senior Pastor
2018-04-19 update person_title Stephen L. Hadden: Senior Pastor; Senior Pastor for Churches in Kentucky => Senior Pastor Retired from MBC February 2018; Senior Pastor for Churches in Kentucky
2018-03-28 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-02-02 insert person Mike Allen
2017-11-21 insert chairman Ron Wyatt
2017-11-21 insert person Ron Wyatt
2017-10-17 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-09-28 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-06-10 insert email mb..@midwaybc.net
2017-06-10 update person_description Andrea Ball => Andrea Ball
2017-06-10 update person_description Mary Clanney => Mary Clanney
2017-06-10 update person_title Evan Rowe: Associate; Associate Paster => Associate Pastor
2017-05-10 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2017-05-10 delete source_ip
2017-05-10 insert source_ip
2017-05-04 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-01-12 delete person Miss Lyndsey Crowe
2017-01-12 insert person Mrs Mona Garrison
2016-01-27 delete person Cody Davidson
2016-01-27 update person_title Evan Rowe: Minister of Worship and Youth Minister; Youth Minister => Associate; Associate Paster
2015-08-31 delete person Miss Jessica Linville
2015-08-31 insert person Miss Lyndsey Crowe
2015-06-01 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-11-16 delete person David Gierlach
2014-10-19 delete index_pages_linkeddomain slidedeck.com
2014-07-02 update person_title Evan Rowe: Youth Minister; Minister of Worship => Minister of Worship and Youth Minister; Youth Minister
2014-04-25 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2014-04-13 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2014-02-06 insert person Miss Jessica Linville
2014-01-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2014-01-09 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2014-01-09 delete directions_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2014-01-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain adventconspiracy.org
2014-01-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain fullercenter.org
2014-01-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-01-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain graceintl.org
2014-01-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain wordpress.org
2014-01-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain slidedeck.com
2014-01-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com