Job Titles:
- Pastor
- Home People Ministry Leaders Pastor
- Pastor Chad Demers / Pastor of Worship and Adult Discipleship
- Pastor of Worship and Adult Discipleship
Chad has been serving at Lighthouse since 2007. He and his wife Toni and their three children believe God called them to Lighthouse "for such a time as this!" Chad's passion is to help others understand what it means to be "ALL IN" to God's work at and through Lighthouse as well as help everyone get connected to the Body of Christ!
Job Titles:
- Children 's Ministry Director
Faith has been serving at Lighthouse since December 2016 as the Children's Ministry Coordinator for Wednesday Night ALIVE! She has a strong passion for kids and sharing the love of Christ with them. She believes kids at every age need to hear about the Gospel and what Jesus Christ did for them.
Faith is the Children's Ministry Director for the Wednesday Night ALIVE! Ministry.
Job Titles:
- Elder, Overseer of Shepherding & Visitation
Going … Make Disciples! Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ does not stop once you are saved. It is a lifelong journey of growing and maturing in your faith. It would be easy to just relax, and let life happen while you wait upon the Lord to return, or He call you home, but that is not what the Bible says. Christ…
Job Titles:
- Elder, Youth Ministry Director
Lynette has been cheerfully serving as the secretary at Lighthouse since December of 2015. She's definitely at home serving the needs of the congregation, administration, missionary services, but most importantly the Lord.
Job Titles:
- Women 's Ministry Director
Job Titles:
- Pastor
- Home People Elders Pastor
- Pastor Steve Demers
- Teaching Pastor
I grew up on a farm in northwest Iowa and learned of Christ and His Church through the instruction of a great pastor, as well as my parents. At the age of eight I had a sense that God wanted me to preach about Jesus, but I was very shy (YES, I WAS!!), and I was sure God could use me elsewhere. Having played the "Jonah" role for a few years after I graduated from high school, I finally gave in to God's call about a year after I graduated from college and I enrolled in Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. After graduating from seminary in 1977, I served churches in South Dakota, North Dakota and Iowa, before moving to West Michigan in 1996.
My wife, Kathy, and I have been married since 1971 and are blessed to have two children, Chad and Michelle. Chad and his wife, Toni, have three children, William, Isaac and Gabriella, and they also live in Allendale. Chad is our Worship Leader and directs our Adult Discipleship ministry here at Lighthouse. Michelle and her husband, Jeff, live in Allendale, too, and have four children, Grace, Faith, Eden and Samuel. We are extremely blessed to have our family together, worshiping and serving the Lord in the same part of Christ's body!
I enjoy writing and have published one book: "Judaic Christianity: The One True Religion." After having studied what the Bible teaches about the return of Jesus Christ for many years, I have written a series of messages and worked with Chad to produce timelines that we hope to include in a second book entitled simply, "The End!"
On occasion I enjoy a round of golf or getting away for a day to take a bike ride with Kathy on our tandem bike or going boating with the family. Kathy and I have enjoyed the opportunity to go on several cruises, including a 12-day Mediterranean cruise for our 40th anniversary. God has blessed us in every way possible and it is my heart's desire to serve Him until I see Jesus face-to-face … one way or another!! Serving the Lord with the leaders and people at Lighthouse is a privilege and a joy. It is my daily prayer that we will be found faithful to our loving Father and to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, as His Spirit works in us and through us!
Pastor Steve has been preaching and teaching God's Word at Lighthouse since 2004. His passion is proclaiming the Gospel and helping people to understand the hope that knowing Jesus Christ brings and the joy that following Him produces in their lives.