Joseph W. Gallagher, JD, LLM has serviced the legal and consulting needs of physicians, dentists and their practice organizations for more than twenty years on a variety of business, legal and managerial matters impacting the practice. He is a graduate of St. Joseph's University; he earned his juris doctorate from Widener University and his Master of Law (Taxation) from Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gallagher provides contract advice, valuation and buy/sell services, practice management expertise, tax consulting, risk assessment advice and asset protection strategies. He designs and implements group compensation plans, deferred compensation arrangements and tax-favored retirement plans.
Mr. Gallagher also maintains specialty expertise in the area of tax-qualified retirement plans and representation before the IRS and Department of Labor. He has guided hundreds of medical and dental practices in how to choose the right retirement plan for the business, as well as provided the legal, employee relations and administrative support for plan operations.
Mr. Gallagher has worked extensively with practice owners and managers on a wide array of management functions, including advice on practice set-up, practice expansion, employee benefits and human resource management. Mr. Gallagher has lectured and written for numerous groups, societies and publications. He has been the publisher and editor of On Managing (a monthly newsletter for medical office managers), and he is the author of Retirement Planning for the Physician and Practice Transitions: Starting, Stopping and In Between.