Brenda Shubert

Brenda Shubert has 20 years' experience in the managed care industry. For the past 8 years, she has been working exclusively with HSD's Diamond system. She has worked as a Director of Member Services and Director of Implementations for several HMO's operating on the Diamond system. For the past two years she has been responsible for the testing and implementation of Diamond 950 for two of Diamond's largest clients.

Deanna Cosby

Deanna Cosby has 15 years' experience in the managed care industry. For the past 8 years, she has been working exclusively with HSD's Diamond system. She has worked as a Director of Claims and a Chief Operating Officer for several HMO's operating on the Diamond system. She has been responsible for the initial Diamond setup and training for two HMO's.

Tom Cosby

Tom Cosby has 20 years experience as a coporate IT manager and facilitator. For the past 7 years, he has been helping managed care companies make the most effective use of their technology resources.

Tonya Potts

Tonya Potts has 17 years' experience in the insurance industry. She has worked as a Director of Training and a Director of Claims for several large insurance companies. For the past two years she has worked with ISG to develop an efficient, quality-oriented claims department.