Updated 30 days ago
- Age: 41 years
- ID: 15436334/144
Room 1429-1437, 14/F, Beverley Commercial Centre, 87-105 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre (HKWHC) is established in 1984 by a group of professionals including doctors, occupational health experts, ergonomics experts, rehabilitation therapists and social workers. The Centre has always made Occupational Health Safety (OHS) protection for local workers central to its vision, and has been working hard to help workers with occupational injuries to return to their jobs and reintegrate into the community...
> About HKWHC | (繁) 香港工人健康中心為香港社會服務聯會及公益金的會員,是一個關注職業健康的專業社會服務團體.
Also known as: Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre