CPOF - Key Persons

Annie Norman

Job Titles:
  • Arkansas Field Representative

Bridgett Bolinger

Job Titles:
  • East Washington Field Representative

Bryon Ortalano

Job Titles:
  • Federal Field Representative

Carey Mendiboure

Job Titles:
  • California Field Representative

Cathy Stokes

Job Titles:
  • Texas Field Representative

Charleene Corby

Job Titles:
  • Ambassador

Chevi Amrein

Job Titles:
  • National Director
Chevi Amrein began her California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) career in 2003 as a Correctional Officer at High Desert State Prison (HDSP). She was promoted through the ranks as a Correctional Sergeant, Correctional Counselor I, Correctional Counselor II Specialist (Litigation Coordinator) at HDSP. In 2016 she promoted to Correctional Counselor II Supervisor, Correctional Captain and Associate Warden at California Correctional Center. Since December of 2022, Chevi is currently serving as the American's with Disabilities Coordinator/Associate Warden at HDSP. Chevi has served as the joint honor guard commander for CCC and HDSP since 2007. Chevi was awarded the Unit Citation in 2019 at the CDCR Medal of Valor ceremonies for demonstrating the best of humanity, compassion and empathy by assisting our brothers and sisters in Butte County during the tragic Camp Fire. Chevi was also recognized by the Office of Victims and Survivor rights for exemplary work promoting victim's rights. Chevi has been an active member of CPOF since attending the California Basic Correctional Peace Officer Academy in 2003.

Christina Labio

Job Titles:
  • Catastrophic Coordinator
If you have questions regarding Catastrophic Assistance please contact Christina if you work in any of the following states:

Cindy Wahlquist

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Office Manager
  • Bookkeeper

Colorado Field

Job Titles:
  • Colorado Field Representative

Darren Feiler

Job Titles:
  • West Washington Field Representative

Debbie Moore

Job Titles:
  • Oklahoma Volunteer Representative

Denise Hansen

Job Titles:
  • Office Assistant

Donald Dease

Job Titles:
  • National Director
  • Vice Chairman
Don Dease began his Correctional Career in 1974 as a Recreational Coordinator at MacDougall Youth Institution. From May 1976 through February 1980 he held various positions including Deputy Warden and Administrative Assistant. In February 1980 he was named Warden at Dutchman Correctional Region and promoted to Regional Director in 1983. Don served as Regional Director for 14 years and supervised 10 facilities. He retired as Institutional Division Director. During his career Don was active in many professional organizations including South Carolina Correctional Association, American Correctional Association, Southern States Correctional Association and South Carolina State Employees Association. He is a graduate of the Citadel with a BS in Education, has a Master of Arts in Teaching and a degree in Criminal Justice. Don was inducted into the Citadel Athletic Hall of Fame in 1997. Don started volunteering for the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation in 1997 and started working for the CPO Foundation when he retired in 2002. You can see him all over the United States but primarily in the Southeastern States. The CPO Foundation currently has payroll deduction in 32 states. Don was very instrumental in acquiring payroll deduction for the CPOF in Georgia.

Dusty Miller

Job Titles:
  • Warehouse Manager

East Washington Field

Job Titles:
  • East Washington Field Representative

Eileen Kennedy

Job Titles:
  • Texas Field Representative

Gary Evans

Glenn A. Mueller - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • National Director
Glenn Mueller, a proud riflemen in the United States Marine Corp began his correctional career in 1968 at Folsom State Prison after returning from being stationed overseas. The next 32 years would see Glenn "Boss Hog" Mueller working in many prisons throughout California including California Medical Facility in Vacaville, CA and Mule Creek State Prison, Ione, CA. He would return to where he started, Folsom State Prison and retire as warden in the year 2000. During his career, Glenn showed the utmost respect and compassion for his fellow officers, correctional staff and the widows and children left behind due to senseless acts of violence against correctional staff. He would join together with Larry Corby, Sal Osuna, Dick Waldo and Don Novey to found CPOF and dedicate the end of his life to taking care of his correctional family. EOW: October 14, 2022

Guy Edmonds

Job Titles:
  • Colorado Field Representative

Jay (Larry) Corby

Job Titles:
  • National Director
  • Secretary
Mr. Corby, a founding Director of the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation, began his Correctional career in 1969 with the California Department of Corrections as a Correctional Officer at Folsom State Prison, Represa, CA. He was promoted through the ranks also working at California State Prison, Sacramento and at the Headquarters of the Department of Corrections where he worked as a Captain within the Planning and Construction Division. There he managed the security requirements during the construction of 13 prisons and many renovation projects in the department. He retired as a Captain in 2000 with over 30 years of State service.

Jazmyn Wheelock

Job Titles:
  • Catastrophic Coordinator

Jeffrey Washington

Job Titles:
  • National Director
Jeffrey Washington has served American Correctional Association (ACA) as its Deputy Executive Director since 1995. Earlier, he served in the Standards and Accreditation Department as Acting Director, Administrator, Deputy Administrator and Regional Administrator dating back to 1986. Prior to joining ACA, Mr. Washington served as a Program Coordinator for the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections (1985-86) and as a correctional officer and staff person for the Prince George's County Department of Corrections (1982-85). Mr. Washington attended the University of Virginia and a member ACA.

Jim Freeman

Job Titles:
  • Florida Field Representative

John Kolodziej

Job Titles:
  • Florida Field Representative

Joseph Menezes

Job Titles:
  • Rhode Island Field Representative - Volunteer

Kelli Forrester

Job Titles:
  • Texas Field Representative

Kim Blakley

Job Titles:
  • Field Administrator & LODD Benefits Coordinator

Kimberly Potter-Blair

Job Titles:
  • National Director
  • Secretary
Kim Potter-Blair began her Corrections Career with the Kentucky Department of Corrections in 1997 as a Correctional Officer at Blackburn Correctional Complex. She promoted through the ranks through the Kentucky Department of Corrections and Kentucky Division of Probation and Parole, including District Supervisor. Currently Kim is the Deputy Commissioner of Support Services of the Kentucky DOC, which she was appointed to in 2008. Kim was awarded the Commissioners Award in 2004 and the Kentucky State University Employer Award in 2007. Kim is a Department representative for the Criminal Justice Drug and Alcohol Treatment, and current member of the Kentucky Council on Crime and Delinquency, American Correctional Association, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Opportunity for Work & Learning.

Laura Matthews

Job Titles:
  • North Carolina Field Representative

Lisa Hunter

Job Titles:
  • Montana Field Representative

Nadine Rodriguez

Job Titles:
  • Membership Data Clerk
If you have questions regarding membership please contact Nadine if you work in any of the following states:

Patrick Gallaway

Job Titles:
  • New York Field Representative

Perry Speth - Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • National Director
  • Treasurer
Perry Speth is a 2nd generation Correctional Peace Officer who began his career in 1984 with the CA. Dept. of Juvenile Justice, (aka CA. Youth Authority) at the Mt. Bullion Fire Camp. He transferred to the Karl Holton Institution in 1985 then took a promotion as a Youth Correctional Counselor at the El Paso de Robles Youth Correctional Facility in 1986. In 1990, Perry became the CA. Correctional Peace Officers Assn. Union Chapter President at his institution and in 1997 was appointed by CPOF Founding Father, Don Novey, to the CCPOA Executive Council as the State Secretary & following in the footsteps of his CCPOA State Secretary predecessors, CPOF Founders, Larry Corby and Richard Waldo. He retired from the DJJ in 2014 and continued to serve as CCPOA State Secretary until 2019, when he resigned from that position and was appointed as the CCPOA Executive Emeritus and acts as an adviser to the CCPOA Executive Council. Perry has been an active member of the CPOF since its formation and attended many of the CPOF Projects and often assisted with taking photographs of the ceremonies for the CPOF magazine. He has been attending the California Correctional Officer Academies to recruit and educate the academy cadets about CPOF membership. He is also attending the CCPOA conventions as a representative of CPOF, using his 35+ year history serving the union membership, to establish credibility while recruiting new CPOF members.

Rachel Lee

Job Titles:
  • Administrator

Ray Wagoner

Job Titles:
  • West Virginia Field Representative

Renae Ulberg

Job Titles:
  • Membership Data Clerk
If you have questions regarding Membership please contact Renae if you work in any of the following states: Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, or Wyoming. You may also contact Renae regarding membership if you are retired from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation or work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Rhode Island Field

Job Titles:
  • Rhode Island Field Representative - Volunteer

Richard Waldo - Founder, Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Founding Director
  • National Director
  • Treasurer
Mr. Waldo, a founding Director of the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation, began his Correctional career in 1971 with the California Department of Youth Authority as a Group Supervisor at the Karl Holton School, Stockton, CA. He promoted through the ranks also working at Pine Grove Fire Camp, Pine Grove, CA, O.H. Close School, Stockton, CA, Headquarters of CYA and the Central Office of the Northern California Youth Center, Stockton, CA. He retired as a Lieutenant in 1996 with more than 25 years of State service.

Ron Barnes - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • National Director
Ron Barnes began his California Department Of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) career in 1983 as a Correctional Officer at Folsom State Prison (FSP). He was promoted to Sergeant and worked at both California Correctional Center(CCC) and FSP from 1989 to 1993. From 1993 to 1999, Ron served as a Lieutenant at four separate prisons. From 1999 to 2003, he served as special assistant to the undersecretary for the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency, (the Governor's Cabinet Agency for all prisons) and from 2003 to 2004 he worked as a Correctional Captain at FSP. Ron was promoted to Associate Warden at High Desert State Prison in Susanville where he worked from 2004 until 2006 when he accepted the Chief Deputy Warden position at CCC. He served as Acting Warden of CCC in 2008 and was appointed Warden of CCC by Governor Schwarzenegger in March 2009. Ron retired from the department as Warden in November 2011. Ron worked as a retiree for the department in several capacities until permanently retiring in March 2019.

Rose Williams

Job Titles:
  • Georgia Field Representative

Salvador (Sal) M. Osuna - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founding Director
  • National Director
Mr. Osuna, a founding Director of the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation, began his Correctional career in 1972 with the California Department of Corrections as a Correctional Officer at Folsom State Prison, Represa, CA. Over the years, Mr. Osuna has been responsible for supervising various fund-raisers such as circuses, variety shows and NASCAR races, raising thousands of dollars for the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation. He retired in 2001 with more than 30 years of State service.

Scott Bauer

Job Titles:
  • North Carolina Field Representative

Shanna Bredeson

Job Titles:
  • Charitable Campaign Coordinator

Stephanie Barone

Job Titles:
  • Catastrophic Coordinator
If you have questions regarding Catastrophic Assistance please contact Stephanie if you work in any of the following states:

Tania Arguello

Job Titles:
  • Nevada Field Representative

Tom Donaldson

Job Titles:
  • Oregon Field Representative

Tora Newton

Job Titles:
  • Tennessee - Shelby County Field Representative

Vanessa Lee

Job Titles:
  • Mississippi Field Representative

Vanessa O'Donnell

Job Titles:
  • Georgia Field Representative

Vicki Wahlquist

Job Titles:
  • Membership Coordinator
If you have questions regarding Membership please contact Vicki if you work in any of the following states:

Wayne Bowdry

Job Titles:
  • Kentucky Field Representative

Wendy Baur

Job Titles:
  • Pennsylvania Field Representative & Virginia Field Representative

William "Bill" Hutto

Job Titles:
  • National Director
William "Bill" Hutto's Correctional Career began in 1980 as a Correctional Officer at Folsom State Prison. Over the next 26 years, Bill's career took him to being a Sergeant at Folsom State prison before transferring to Transportation as a Sergeant. At California State Prison, he promoted to Correctional Lieutenant prior to returning to transportation. He continued his career as a Correctional Captain before retiring as a Correctional Counselor III. During his remarkable career, Bill served as a member of the SERT (Special Emergency Response Team, received Chief of Institution Operations Special Recognition and multiple Deputy Director's Letters of Appreciation, including for his involved with the CDC Command Post Responsibilities - Los Angeles Riot Response. Bill joined the Board of Directors in 2022 and looks forward to be part of a team that supports those in Corrections.