Updated 888 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 07629519 (CH)
- Age: 13 years
- ID: 15161018/141
Kemp House, 160 City Road LONDON, EC1V 2NX
• 58190 - Other publishing activities
• 64999 - Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified
• 72200 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Our aim is to improve your company's liquidity through best in class global equity research and top 10 ranked services, excellent global distribution and access to professional and retail investors. ACF Equity Research was founded to improve capital markets for all by addressing the need for liquidity in the global listed micro, small (AiM) and mid-cap, large cap and private market segments... ACF Equity Research is an independent investment research company specialising in the highest specification independent equity research for corporate clients... ACF was set up to improve the effectiveness of capital markets for smaller and mid-sized companies. The majority of jobs are created by smaller companies not global companies. If we can help improve companies use of capital markets more projects will be completed, more jobs created, more global GDP grown, which in turn helps create more resources for education, leading to equality and opportunity for those who are still oppressed by..
Also known as: ACF, ACF Equity Research Investment Research Company, ACF Equity Research Limited, ACF EQUITY RESEARCH LTD
Registration numbers: 07629519 (CH), 7629519 (W)
VAT numbers: 117627415
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