Updated 14 days ago
150 Executive Center, 103 Greenville, SC 29615
In 2005, over 300 leaders from across South Carolina's Upstate attended a conference called "Upstate Together: Growing by Choice or Chance?". From this conference, a steering committee of approximately 40 leaders from the region was created under the same name. Upstate Together partnered with the Urban Land Institute and received support from many communities, businesses, and leaders to develop and hold a day-long regional planning exercise called the Upstate Reality Check, with the intention of developing a Shared Upstate Growth Vision. In order to pursue the resulting Growth Vision and related areas for collaboration, Upstate Together was incorporated as a non-profit in 2009 and renamed Ten at the Top (abbreviated as TATT).
Associated domains: cleanairupstatesc.com, cleanairupstatesc.org