OSPRI - History of Changes

2024-09-14 insert ceo Sam McIvor
2024-09-14 insert person Sam McIvor
2024-09-14 update person_description Simon Andrew => Simon Andrew
2024-09-14 update person_title Helen Thoday: Executive Leadership Team; Acting General Manager; Acting General Manager, Disease Control, Planning and Integration, and General Manager, Service Delivery ( North Island ) => Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery ( North Island ); General Manager, Service Delivery for the North Island
2024-09-14 update person_title Simon Andrew: Executive Leadership Team; Acting Chief Executive => Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Disease Control, Planning and Integration; Deputy Chief Executive, and General Manager for Disease Control
2024-07-12 delete person Marie Long
2024-07-12 insert person Ben Reddiex
2024-06-09 update person_description Simon Andrew => Simon Andrew
2024-06-09 update person_title Helen Thoday: Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery ( North Island ); General Manager, Service Delivery for the North Island => Executive Leadership Team; Acting General Manager; Acting General Manager, Disease Control, Planning and Integration, and General Manager, Service Delivery ( North Island )
2024-06-09 update person_title Simon Andrew: Executive Leadership Team; Deputy Chief Executive, and General Manager for Disease Control Planning; General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration => Executive Leadership Team; Acting Chief Executive
2024-03-13 delete chairman Barry Harris
2024-03-13 delete cio John Tucker
2024-03-13 delete otherexecutives Barry Harris
2024-03-13 delete otherexecutives Don Purdon
2024-03-13 delete person Barry Harris
2024-03-13 delete person Daniel McCullough
2024-03-13 delete person Don Purdon
2024-03-13 delete person John Tucker
2024-03-13 insert person Ed Thirkell
2024-03-13 insert person Rhea McColl
2023-09-21 insert person Clifton King
2023-09-21 insert person Marie Long
2023-08-19 delete person Vivienne Larsen
2023-08-19 update person_title Danny Templeman: Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery for the Upper South Island; General Manager, Service Delivery ( Upper South ) => Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery for the South Island; General Manager, Service Delivery ( South Island )
2023-07-16 insert coo Angela Leong
2023-07-16 insert otherexecutives Don Purdon
2023-07-16 delete person Kevin Forward
2023-07-16 insert person Angela Leong
2023-07-16 insert person Don Purdon
2023-07-16 insert person Simon Andrew
2023-07-16 update person_description Danny Templeman => Danny Templeman
2023-07-16 update person_description Morrigan Sheehan => Morrigan Sheehan
2023-07-16 update person_title Danny Templeman: Executive Leadership Team; Acting General Manager for Disease Control Planning; Acting General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration => Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery for the Upper South Island; General Manager, Service Delivery ( Upper South )
2023-07-16 update person_title Morrigan Sheehan: Advisor, Traceability => Advisor, Traceability; Coordinator, People and Culture
2023-04-02 insert cio John Tucker
2023-04-02 insert person Mary Cording
2023-04-02 update person_title John Tucker: Executive Leadership Team; Executive; Chief Information Officer and Acting General Manager, Business Services and Performance => Executive Leadership Team; Executive; Chief Information Officer
2023-03-01 update person_description Morrigan Sheehan => Morrigan Sheehan
2023-01-28 insert otherexecutives Paul Reynolds
2023-01-28 insert person Paul Reynolds
2022-12-27 delete person Carlin Thompson
2022-11-25 delete person Simon Andrew
2022-11-25 update person_description Carlin Thompson => Carlin Thompson
2022-11-25 update person_title Carlin Thompson: Coordinator, People and Culture => Co - Ordinator, People and Culture
2022-10-24 delete cio John Tucker
2022-10-24 delete person Paul Burridge
2022-10-24 insert person Simon Andrew
2022-10-24 update person_title John Tucker: Executive Leadership Team; Executive; Chief Information Officer => Executive Leadership Team; Executive; Chief Information Officer and Acting General Manager, Business Services and Performance
2022-09-22 update person_description Fenton Wilson => Fenton Wilson
2022-07-21 update person_description Michael James => Michael James
2022-07-21 update person_description Susan Huria => Susan Huria
2022-05-20 delete person Simon Andrew
2022-05-20 insert person Helen Thoday
2022-05-20 update person_description Barry Harris => Barry Harris
2022-05-20 update person_description Danny Templeman => Danny Templeman
2022-05-20 update person_description Fenton Wilson => Fenton Wilson
2022-05-20 update person_description James Parsons => James Parsons
2022-05-20 update person_description Nicole Davies-Colley => Nicole Davies-Colley
2022-05-20 update person_description Steve Stuart => Steve Stuart
2022-05-20 update person_description Susan Huria => Susan Huria
2022-05-20 update person_title Barry Harris: Chairman; Chairman of the Board of Directors; Company Director => Chairman; Company Director With Extensive Governance and Executive; Chairman of the Board of Directors; Company Director
2022-05-20 update person_title Danny Templeman: Executive Leadership Team; General Manager, Service Delivery ( Upper South ); General Manager => Executive Leadership Team; Acting General Manager for Disease Control Planning; Acting General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration
2022-04-18 delete person Dan Schmidt
2022-04-18 update person_title Simon Andrew: Executive Leadership Team; Deputy Chief Executive, and General Manager for Disease Control Planning; General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration => Executive Leadership Team; Deputy Chief Executive, and General Manager for Disease Control Planning; Acting General Manager; General Manager, Disease Control Planning and Integration; Acting General Manager, Service Delivery ( North Island )
2021-07-14 update person_description Susan Huria => Susan Huria
2021-06-12 update person_description Nicole Davies-Colley => Nicole Davies-Colley
2021-06-12 update person_description Susan Huria => Susan Huria
2021-01-23 delete personal_emails bi..@ospri.co.nz
2021-01-23 delete personal_emails ka..@ospri.co.nz
2021-01-23 delete personal_emails ni..@ospri.co.nz
2021-01-23 delete personal_emails re..@ospri.co.nz
2021-01-23 delete personal_emails sa..@ospri.co.nz
2018-12-14 delete person Amanda Jordan
2018-12-14 delete person Bede O'Connor
2018-12-14 delete person Chris Irons
2018-12-14 delete person Malcolm Gilbert
2018-12-14 delete person Neil MacMillan
2018-12-14 delete person Nick Dawson
2018-12-14 delete person Nigel Johnston
2018-12-14 delete person Richard Currie
2018-12-14 delete person Richard Tripe
2018-12-14 delete person Robert Ervine
2018-12-14 delete person Sam Hain
2018-12-14 delete person Stefan Robinson
2018-07-28 delete person Earle Wells
2018-07-28 delete person Keith Kelly
2018-07-28 delete person Paddy Boyd
2018-07-28 delete person Roy Bensemann
2017-08-13 update person_description Fenton Wilson => Fenton Wilson
2017-08-13 update person_description Jeff Grant => Jeff Grant
2017-08-13 update person_description Mike Pohio => Mike Pohio
2016-12-06 insert otherexecutives Mike Pohio
2016-12-06 delete person Keith Sutton
2016-12-06 insert person Mike Pohio
2016-01-20 delete person Ted Coats
2016-01-20 insert person Fenton Wilson
2016-01-20 update person_description Barry Harris => Barry Harris
2016-01-20 update person_description Deborah Roche => Deborah Roche
2016-01-20 update person_description Jeff Grant => Jeff Grant
2016-01-20 update person_description Keith Sutton => Keith Sutton
2015-01-26 insert person Deborah Roche
2014-07-30 delete person Andrew Coleman
2014-07-30 delete person Michael Spaans
2014-07-30 insert person Barry Harris