Updated 29 days ago
- Age: 35 years
- ID: 14927872/144
PO Box 5634, Elgin, Illinois 60121
Friends of the Fox River is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of citizens and organizations taking action to protect and maintain the quality of the Fox River and its tributaries. Through our programs and activities, we encourage both adults and students to become involved in protecting the river and its watershed. Each year, we have over 5,000 citizens participating in our programs including our water quality monitoring program (Fox River Watershed Monitoring Network), river and stream cleanups, river habitat improvement projects, and water quality education events...
Incorporated in 1990, Friends of the Fox River is a non-profit organization dedicated to building a watershed of caretakers in the Fox River Valley. We are concerned citizens taking action to protect and maintain the quality of the Fox River and its tributaries...
The Friends of the Fox River strives to educate a diverse audience through a broad range of communication and outreach initiatives.