CYGNAL - History of Changes

2024-12-14 delete address 900 17th St NW, Ste 950 Washington, DC 20006
2024-12-14 delete person Paulina Buzaite
2024-12-14 insert address 4501 Fairfax Drive, Suite 605 Arlington, VA 22203
2024-12-14 insert person Eric Nwokocha AI
2024-12-14 update primary_contact 900 17th St NW, Ste 950 Washington, DC 20006 => 4501 Fairfax Drive, Suite 605 Arlington, VA 22203
2024-12-14 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2024-12-06 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2024-11-04 update person_description Cygnal Pollster => Cygnal Pollster
2024-09-02 delete person Carlisle Sutton
2024-09-02 update person_title Audrey Halpin: Specialist, Quality Control / Country Music Enthusiast => Specialist, Marketing and Quality Control / Country Music Enthusiast
2024-08-02 insert president Joe Biden
2024-08-02 insert person Alex Tarascio
2024-08-02 insert person Joe Biden
2024-08-02 update person_title Brock McCleary: VP, Polling / Broken Down Middle Infielder; President of Harper Polling => VP, Polling / Long - Suffering Mets Fan; President of Harper Polling
2024-08-02 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2024-07-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2024-06-17 update person_title Carlisle Sutton: Strategist, Sampling => Strategist, Sampling / Foster Dog Mom
2024-06-17 update person_title Mike Kemp: Strategist; Strategist, Accounts => Strategist, Accounts / Hot Sauce Connoisseur; Strategist
2024-04-04 delete otherexecutives Noah Wyhof-Rudnick
2024-04-04 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2024-04-04 delete person Jeff Berkowitz
2024-04-04 delete person Julian Isidro
2024-04-04 insert email
2024-04-04 insert person Alexa Alamillo
2024-04-04 insert person Angelyn Mananghaya BI
2024-04-04 insert person Carlisle Sutton
2024-04-04 insert person Ehren Oates
2024-04-04 insert person Fred Cooper
2024-04-04 insert person Marilyn Oestrike
2024-04-04 insert person Mike Kemp
2024-04-04 insert person Mike Yelovich
2024-04-04 insert person Nicholas Valdiviez
2024-04-04 insert person Patrizia Pisano BI
2024-04-04 insert person Paulina Buzaite
2024-04-04 insert person Ramoncito Cambel BI
2024-04-04 insert person Rizza Quezon
2024-04-04 insert person Ronald Roldan
2024-04-04 insert person Ryan Shucard
2024-04-04 insert phone +1/202/699-4837
2024-04-04 update person_description Audrey Halpin => Audrey Halpin
2024-04-04 update person_description Mitchell Brown => Mitchell Brown
2024-04-04 update person_title Jack Coogan: Coordinator, Research / the Cooganator => Strategist, Accounts / the Cooganator
2024-04-04 update person_title Noah Wyhof-Rudnick: Director, Sampling & Innovation / Election Data Junkie; Research Director => Director, Innovation / Election Data Junkie; Director of Innovation
2024-04-04 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-10-16 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-05-05 insert person Dylan Kellos
2023-05-05 update person_title Carmen Vasilovsky: Director, HR & Recruiting => Director, HR & Recruiting / Dog Devotee
2023-05-05 update person_title Dan Esquivel: Data Scientist => Data Scientist / Caffeinated Sports Junkie
2023-05-05 update person_title Daniel Pisano BI: Analyst => Analyst; Analyst / Video Game Aficionado
2023-05-05 update person_title Enzo Yambot BI: Analyst => Analyst / Plant Lover
2023-05-05 update person_title Jack Coogan: Coordinator, Research => Coordinator, Research / the Cooganator
2023-05-05 update person_title Jaime Sanchez: Specialist, Finance Support => Specialist, Finance Support / Tireless Concert - Goer
2023-05-05 update person_title Julian Isidro: Coordinator, Research => Coordinator, Research / Virtuous Virgo
2023-05-05 update person_title Maurice Borromeo: Data Analyst => Data Analyst / Anime Enthusiast
2023-05-05 update person_title Mitchell Brown: Director, Political Strategy => Director, Political Strategy / Golfaholic
2023-05-05 update person_title Sarah Aracid: Data Analyst => Data Analyst / Nocturnal Artisan
2023-05-05 update person_title Wil Lemon: Director, Accounts => Director, Accounts / Altitude Advantage
2023-05-05 update person_title Zea San Andres: Associate, Research => Associate, Research / Avid Bookworm
2023-04-04 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-03-27 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-02-23 delete person Chandler Mouw
2023-02-23 update person_title Mitchell Brown: Manager, Accounts => Director, Political Strategy
2023-02-23 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-01-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-12-29 delete person Jayson Esquivel
2022-12-29 delete person Marilyn Oestrike
2022-12-29 delete person Patrizia Pisano BI
2022-12-29 delete person Ramoncito Cambel BI
2022-12-29 delete person Rizza Quezon
2022-12-29 delete person Ronald Roldan
2022-12-29 delete person Ryan Sanford
2022-12-29 insert person Jeff Berkowitz
2022-12-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-12-20 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-11-19 delete person Stephen Kelly
2022-11-19 update robots_txt_status 200 => 0
2022-10-18 insert evp Chris Kratzer
2022-10-18 delete person Dr. Frederick Barber
2022-10-18 delete person Jacqueline Boggess
2022-10-18 insert person Marilyn Oestrike
2022-10-18 insert person Patrizia Pisano BI
2022-10-18 insert person Ryan Sanford
2022-10-18 update person_title Carmen Vasilovsky: Manager, HR & Recruiting => Director, HR & Recruiting
2022-10-18 update person_title Chris Kratzer: Chief Revenue Officer / Wedding Singer => Executive Vice President / Wedding Singer; Executive VP
2022-10-18 update person_title Matt Hubbard: VP, Data & Analytics / Hair Game Representative => Executive Vice President / Hair Game Representative
2022-10-18 update person_title Wil Lemon: Analyst, Research => Director, Accounts
2022-09-16 delete person Dr. Peter Wish
2022-09-16 delete person Kaitlyn Riordan
2022-09-16 insert person Daniel Pisano
2022-09-16 insert person Daniel Pisano BI
2022-09-16 insert person Julian Isidro
2022-09-16 update person_title Audrey Halpin: Specialist, Marketing / Country Music Enthusiast => Specialist, Quality Control / Country Music Enthusiast
2022-07-16 delete person David Wolfson
2022-07-16 insert person Rizza Quezon
2022-07-16 insert person Sarah Aracid
2022-07-16 insert person Stephen Kelly
2022-07-16 insert person Zea San Andres
2022-07-16 update person_title Brent Buchanan: Spicer & Co; CEO; Founder; President; CEO & Founder / Travel Snob; Senior Strategist => President & Founder / Travel Snob; Spicer & Co; CEO; Founder; President
2022-05-15 delete address 321 Billingsly Ct, Ste 13-B Franklin, TN 37067
2022-05-15 delete person Ramoncito Campbel BI
2022-05-15 insert person Dr. Frederick Barber
2022-05-15 insert person Ramoncito Cambel BI
2022-04-14 insert person Dr. Peter Wish
2022-04-14 insert person Jack Coogan
2022-04-14 insert person Ramoncito Campbel BI
2022-04-14 update person_title Janine Gliban: Associate, Reporting / Budding Baker => Associate, Research / Budding Baker
2022-04-14 update person_title Jared Mendoza: Associate, Research / Coffee Connoisseur => Data Analyst / Coffee Connoisseur
2022-03-14 delete person Jeff Lewis
2022-03-14 delete person Meagan Haynes
2022-03-14 delete person Stacy Walls
2022-03-14 delete person Tom Broughton
2022-03-14 insert person Carmen Vasilovsky
2022-03-14 insert person Chandler Mouw
2022-03-14 insert person Dan Esquivel
2022-03-14 insert person Enzo Yambot BI
2022-03-14 insert person Jaime Sanchez
2022-03-14 insert person Jayson Esquivel
2022-03-14 insert person Maurice Borromeo
2022-03-14 insert person Mitchell Brown
2022-03-14 insert person Ronald Roldan
2022-03-14 insert person Wil Lemon
2022-03-14 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2022-03-14 update person_description Sam Leach => Sam Leach
2022-03-14 update person_title James Shirley: Coordinator, Research / Former MMA Warrior ( Yeah! ) => Director, Sampling & Data Science / Former MMA Warrior ( Yeah! )
2022-03-14 update person_title Noah Wyhof-Rudnick: Research Director; Director, Research / Election Data Junkie => Director, Sampling & Innovation / Election Data Junkie; Research Director
2022-03-14 update person_title Sam Leach: Coordinator, Research / Long - Suffering Bills Fan => Director, Sampling & Partnerships / Long - Suffering Bills Fan
2022-03-14 update person_title Tiffany Beverly: Coordinator, Insights & Client Success / Cat Whisperer => Director, Project Management / Cat Whisperer
2021-09-13 delete address 15 Wyntre Brooke Dr, Ste 2A York, PA 17430
2021-09-13 delete person Victoria Waddail Sr.
2021-09-13 insert address 15 Wyntre Brooke Dr, Ste 2A York, PA 17403
2021-09-13 insert person Audrey Halpin
2021-08-12 delete address 1600 K St NW, Ste 350 Washington, DC 20006
2021-08-12 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-08-12 delete person Sean Spicer
2021-08-12 delete person Wesley Donehue
2021-08-12 insert person Dr. Peter Wish-Pulse
2021-07-12 delete person Kay Aguilar
2021-07-12 delete person TJ Bennett
2021-07-12 insert address 900 17th St NW, Ste 950 Washington, DC 20006
2021-07-12 insert person John Rogers
2021-07-12 insert person Meagan Haynes
2021-07-12 insert person Stacy Walls
2021-07-12 insert person Tom Broughton
2021-07-12 update person_description James Shirley Sr. => James Shirley Sr.
2021-06-09 delete address 15 Wyntre Brooke Drive, 2A York, PA 17403
2021-06-09 delete address 321 Billingsly Court, Ste 13-B Franklin, TN 37067
2021-06-09 insert address 15 Wyntre Brooke Dr #2A York, PA 17403
2021-06-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-06-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-06-09 update person_title Chris Kratzer: Chief Revenue Officer / Lounge Singer; VP of Research and Analysis => Chief Revenue Officer / Wedding Singer
2021-04-14 insert otherexecutives Noah Rudnick
2021-04-14 insert vp Brock McCleary
2021-04-14 insert person Brian Brechon
2021-04-14 insert person Chris Lane
2021-04-14 insert person Jeff Lewis
2021-04-14 insert person Kaitlyn Riordan
2021-04-14 insert person Noah Rudnick
2021-04-14 update person_description Chris Kratzer => Chris Kratzer
2021-04-14 update person_title Brock McCleary: VP, Polling / Professional Wall Brace => Vice President; VP, Polling / Broken Down Middle Infielder; President of Harper Polling
2021-04-14 update person_title Chris Kratzer: VP Research & Analysis / Lounge Singer => Chief Revenue Officer / Lounge Singer; VP of Research and Analysis
2021-02-13 insert otherexecutives Rac Araña Roldan
2021-02-13 update person_title Rac Araña Roldan: Coordinator, Reporting & Analytics / Stats Master & Professor => Director, Reporting & Analytics / Stats Master & Professor; Director
2021-01-14 insert president John F. Kennedy
2021-01-14 delete address 818 18th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203
2021-01-14 delete person Tom Broughton
2021-01-14 insert address 15 Wyntre Brooke Dr, Ste 2A York, PA 17430
2021-01-14 insert address 15 Wyntre Brooke Drive, 2A York, PA 17403
2021-01-14 insert address 321 Billingsly Court, Ste 13-B Franklin, TN 37067
2021-01-14 insert person Brock McCleary
2021-01-14 insert person Janine Gliban
2021-01-14 insert person Jared Mendoza
2021-01-14 insert person John F. Kennedy
2021-01-14 insert person Sam Leach
2021-01-14 insert person TJ Bennett
2021-01-14 insert person Victoria Waddail
2021-01-14 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2021-01-14 update person_description James Shirley Sr. => James Shirley Sr.
2021-01-14 update person_description Kay Aguilar => Kay Aguilar
2021-01-14 update person_title David Wolfson: Director, Client Strategy / Has Lived in the Most States => Consultant, Client Strategy / Has Lived in the Most States
2021-01-14 update person_title Kay Aguilar: Executive Coordinator & Culture Ambassador / Machu Picchu Conqueror => Director, HR / IT & Culture Ambassador / Machu Picchu Conqueror
2020-09-21 insert address 321 Billingsly Ct, Ste 13-B Franklin, TN 37067
2020-07-12 delete source_ip
2020-07-12 delete source_ip
2020-07-12 delete source_ip
2020-07-12 insert source_ip
2020-07-12 insert source_ip
2020-07-12 insert source_ip
2020-06-05 insert source_ip
2020-05-06 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2020-05-06 delete address 1600 K St NW, Ste 350 Washington, DC 20006 Montgomery, AL
2020-05-06 delete address 400 S Union St, Ste 355 Montgomery, AL 36104
2020-05-06 delete email
2020-05-06 delete person Tiffany Eubanks
2020-05-06 delete person Tommy Tuberville
2020-05-06 insert address 818 18th Ave S Nashville, TN 37203
2020-05-06 insert email
2020-05-06 insert person David Wolfson
2020-05-06 insert person Jacqueline Boggess
2020-05-06 insert person Tiffany Beverly
2020-05-06 update person_description Kay Aguilar => Kay Aguilar
2020-05-06 update person_title Kay Aguilar: Executive Assistant / Machu Picchu Conqueror => Executive Coordinator & Culture Ambassador / Machu Picchu Conqueror
2020-04-06 insert person Tommy Tuberville
2020-03-06 delete address 1201 Wilson Blvd, 25th Fl Arlington, VA 22209 Montgomery, AL
2020-03-06 insert address 1600 K St NW, Ste 350 Washington, DC 20006 Montgomery, AL
2019-10-01 delete person Josh Pendergrass
2019-10-01 insert person James Shirley
2019-10-01 insert person Tom Broughton
2019-10-01 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2019-10-01 update person_title Brent Buchanan: President & Founder / SkyMiles Collector; Senior Strategist => CEO & Founder / Travel Snob; Senior Strategist
2019-10-01 update person_title Tiffany Eubanks: Coordinator, Projects => Coordinator, Projects / Cat Whisperer
2019-07-02 insert person Justice Starting Campaign
2019-05-28 update person_title Chris Kratzer: VP Market Research / Lounge Singer => VP Research & Analysis / Lounge Singer
2019-05-28 update person_title Matt Hubbard: VP Research & Analytics / Hair Game Representative => VP Data & Analytics / Hair Game Representative
2019-03-28 delete person Brett Cowden
2019-03-28 delete person Cole Wagner
2019-03-28 delete person Paulo Fuentes
2019-03-28 insert address 1201 Wilson Blvd, 25th Fl Arlington, VA 22209 Montgomery
2019-03-28 update person_title Chris Kratzer: VP Qualitative & Corporate Research / Lounge Singer => VP Market Research / Lounge Singer
2019-03-28 update person_title Rac Araña: Data Analyst; Data Analyst / Stats Master & Professor => Coordinator
2019-02-04 delete person Madrid Trip
2018-12-11 delete person Tanner Ragland
2018-12-11 insert person Cole Wagner
2018-12-11 insert person Josh Pendergrass
2018-12-11 insert person Madrid Trip
2018-12-11 insert person Tiffany Eubanks
2018-12-11 update person_title Chris Kratzer: VP Communication & Public Affairs / Lounge Singer => VP Qualitative & Corporate Research / Lounge Singer
2018-04-05 insert person Rac Araña
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 delete email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-02-16 insert email
2018-01-02 delete service_pages_linkeddomain
2018-01-02 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2018-01-02 update person_description Brett Cowden => Brett Cowden
2018-01-02 update person_title Brett Cowden: VP Client Strategy / Llama Wrangler => VP Client Strategy / Recovering Banker
2018-01-02 update person_title Chris Kratzer: VP Polling & Communication / Lounge Singer => VP Communication & Public Affairs / Lounge Singer
2018-01-02 update person_title Paulo Fuentes: Data Analyst / Code Whisperer => Director, Research / SQL Whisperer
2018-01-02 update person_title Tanner Ragland: Client Strategy Coordinator / Nickname TBD => Coordinator, Client Strategy / F & D ( Gotta Ask )
2017-11-26 delete address PO Box 96503 #68517 Washington, DC 20090
2017-11-26 delete address PO Box 96503 #68517 Washington, DC 20090 United States
2017-11-26 insert address 200 Interstate Park Dr, Ste 238 Montgomery, AL 36109 United States
2017-10-21 insert address 400 S Union St, Ste 355 Montgomery, AL 36104
2017-10-21 update person_title Matt Hubbard: VP Digital & Data / Hair Game Representative => VP Research & Analytics / Hair Game Representative
2017-07-31 delete email
2017-07-31 delete person Margaret Murphy
2017-07-31 insert email
2017-07-31 insert person Chris Kratzer
2017-07-31 update person_description P. Cory Brown => P. Cory Brown
2017-07-31 update person_title Brett Cowden: VP Business Development / Llama Wrangler => VP Client Strategy / Llama Wrangler
2017-07-31 update person_title Matt Hubbard: VP Digital / Hair Game Representative => VP Digital & Data / Hair Game Representative
2017-07-31 update person_title P. Cory Brown: SVP Services / NoVA Hops Farmer => Research Advisor / NoVA Hops Farmer
2017-07-01 delete founder Brent Buchanan
2017-07-01 delete president Brent Buchanan
2017-07-01 delete industry_tag communication, research, and targeted advertising
2017-07-01 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2017-07-01 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2017-07-01 update person_description Brett Cowden => Brett Cowden
2017-07-01 update person_description Kay Aguilar => Kay Aguilar
2017-07-01 update person_description Margaret Murphy => Margaret Murphy
2017-07-01 update person_description P. Cory Brown => P. Cory Brown
2017-07-01 update person_description Paulo Fuentes => Paulo Fuentes
2017-07-01 update person_title Brent Buchanan: Founder; President; Senior Strategist => President & Founder / SkyMiles Collector; Senior Strategist
2017-07-01 update person_title Brett Cowden: VP Business Development => VP Business Development / Llama Wrangler
2017-07-01 update person_title Kay Aguilar: Executive Assistant => Executive Assistant / Machu Picchu Conqueror
2017-07-01 update person_title Margaret Murphy: Marketing & Development Coordinator => Marketing & Development Coordinator / Smile Source
2017-07-01 update person_title Matt Hubbard: VP Digital => VP Digital / Hair Game Representative
2017-07-01 update person_title P. Cory Brown: SVP Services => SVP Services / NoVA Hops Farmer
2017-07-01 update person_title Paulo Fuentes: Data Analyst => Data Analyst / Code Whisperer
2017-05-15 insert person Paulo Fuentes
2017-05-15 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2017-05-15 update person_description Matt Hubbard => Matt Hubbard
2017-05-15 update person_description P. Cory Brown => P. Cory Brown
2017-05-15 update person_title Brett Cowden: SVP Growth Manufacturing => VP Business Development
2017-05-15 update person_title Margaret Murphy: Marketing Coordinator => Marketing & Development Coordinator
2017-05-15 update person_title Matt Hubbard: SVP Agile Targeting => VP Digital
2017-05-15 update person_title P. Cory Brown: SVP Answer Scouting => SVP Services
2017-03-11 delete address 113 S Colombus St, Ste 100 Alexandria, VA 22314
2017-03-11 delete address 7020 Fain Park Dr, Ste 1 Montgomery, Alabama 36117 United States
2017-03-11 delete address 815-A Brazos St #355 Austin, TX 78701
2017-03-11 delete phone 334-356-1335
2017-03-11 insert address 1775 Tysons Blvd, 5th Fl Tysons, VA 22102
2017-03-11 insert address 600 Congress Ave, 14th Fl Austin, TX 78701
2017-03-11 insert address PO Box 96503 #68517 Washington, DC 20090 United States
2017-01-27 insert founder Brent Buchanan
2017-01-27 insert president Brent Buchanan
2017-01-27 insert person Kay Aguilar
2017-01-27 insert person Margaret Murphy
2017-01-27 update person_description Brent Buchanan => Brent Buchanan
2017-01-27 update person_description Brett Cowden => Brett Cowden
2017-01-27 update person_title Brent Buchanan: Senior Strategist; Managing Partner => Founder; President; Senior Strategist
2017-01-27 update person_title Brett Cowden: VP Client Services => SVP Growth Manufacturing
2017-01-27 update person_title Matt Hubbard: Director, Messaging & Digital => SVP Agile Targeting
2017-01-27 update person_title P. Cory Brown: VP Data & Strategy => SVP Answer Scouting
2016-12-22 update person_title Matt Hubbard: Project Manager => Director, Messaging & Digital
2016-09-30 delete person Stephen Morris
2016-09-30 insert address PO Box 96503 #68517 Washington, DC 20090
2016-07-21 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2016-01-26 insert general_emails
2016-01-26 insert address 7020 Fain Park Dr, Ste 1 Montgomery, Alabama 36117 United States
2016-01-26 insert email
2016-01-26 insert phone 334-356-1335
2015-06-27 delete source_ip
2015-06-27 insert source_ip
2015-06-27 insert source_ip
2015-05-29 delete industry_tag campaign & communication
2015-05-29 insert industry_tag communication and research
2014-09-07 delete address 1709 Taliaferro Trail Montgomery, AL 36117
2014-09-07 insert address 7020 Fain Park Dr, Ste 1 Montgomery, AL 36117
2014-09-07 update primary_contact 1709 Taliaferro Trail Montgomery, AL 36117 => 7020 Fain Park Dr, Ste 1 Montgomery, AL 36117