Updated 4 days ago
District 1090, Central Southern England
The Rotary Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh on meets on Tuesday evenings at Sonning Golf Club, RG4 6GJ on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. The club was chartered in 1989 and is one of six clubs in the Reading area. We currently have around 35 members, both male and female... We are a thriving and energetic club whose membership is made up of men and women from many different backgrounds. Most of our activities are aimed at serving communities both at home and abroad. We organise fundraising activities that are aimed at raising money for charities and good causes. Since the formation of the club in 1989 it has raised more than £450k for charity. We are all unpaid volunteers who love giving back something to our communities. A well-known quotation that sums up Rotary volunteers is "Volunteers are unpaid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless"... We also support young men and women to be active in their community through Rotaract - for more information see..
Registration numbers: 1022338 (W)