Updated 7 days ago
  • Age: 12 years
  • ID: 13878912/84
In 2012, we joined together and created our advocacy group HPA. Our goal was and always has been to help homeowners like yourself and like ourselves in need of honest straightforward help... With over 1000+ positive reviews and over 400+ testimonial videos, we are the highest rated advocacy group in the nation!... We will conduct a joint conference with you, us, and your mortgage company or foreclosing firm. We will ask your mortgage company many tough but necessary questions. We will help you get to the bottom of why they are foreclosing, what options you have available, and what you can do to avoid losing your home. We will go through as many departments and decision-makers as necessary as your mortgage company to get all the facts. We will not allow them to lie, misrepresent the facts, mistreat or run us in circles the way they do with you.
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18 comments Add a comment
Wildflowerginas December 23, 2016
If i had not recieved the notice from homeowner protection alliance last april, i would have been alone with no help or support. If homeowner protection had not called my mortgage with me on the phone i would have never knew my home was set to auction 2 weeks later. If not for hpa, if not for the wonderful honest people at homeowner protection alliance, i would not be in my home right now at peace during the holidays. Bless you all, bruce, james and jessie.
hollyprayercircle October 25, 2016
god bless all the good people at homeowner protection alliance. if not for you wonderful people helping my family for free, home would have been sold. my children, our pets, myself we would be homeless. noone from the mortgage office, noone at HUD, noone at naca helped, all they did was give us paperwork to fill out not caring that i did not understand how to fill out this complicated things. homeowner protection helped me fill out all the paperwork. GOD BLESS YOU again. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!
lovelyirusso October 21, 2016
Homeowner Protection Alliance saved my home. I have made a video and it is on the website. go watch if you do not believe me. They are real, they are good people, they will take the time to call your bank with you and cut around all the lies and crap the mortgage company had been feeding me to keep me from having my loan changed. They are good people. I recommend them to anyone and anyone that talks bad about them is a fraud, or works for the mortgage company. I put my face and name behind the video i made
lovelyirusso October 21, 2016
i first contacted the helpdesk at homeowner protection alliance scared for my home, my family, my two 9 year old dogs. They right away called my mortgage company and made sure my home was safe, they also made sure i understood all the complicated paperwork i needed to organize. They helped me in every was possible, and referred me to a law firm that saved my home. thank you Homeowner Protection Alliance. I have and will still give your name and number to anyone i know that needs help with their home. God bl
mwallace.itservices September 29, 2016
back in 2015 i fell behind on my mortgage due to a drop in business and income. I got one of the letters from HPA Homeowner Protection Alliance in the mail, called them. They did a quick conference call with me and my mortgage company to get all the facts. They were honest and gave it to me straight up. I can see why someone can't handle that. It's been almost a year since i contacted them and still to this day whenever i email Bruce he responds back and helps me with questions about my property taxes etc.
kristen.bowen72 May 22, 2016
Message to all consumers and anyone reviewing this page. Go to www.hpahelp.com and simply watch all the videos, you will see my video among them. The team at HPA helped me in saving all 3 of my homes. 2 of them homes i conducted my business in. As a small business owner believe me. You can work hard for years to build your company's reputation, and it only takes 5 minutes for someone who is simply ungrateful, or a past employee who was fired and is evil and revengeful to try to ruin in.
kristen.bowen72 May 22, 2016
HPA kept me updated through-out the process as the Law firm in Maryland settles two of my properties into fair forebearance programs, and modified my main property into a lower payment and rate since this particular property was my main residence and it qualified for the Making Homes Affordable program. The other two were investment properties (elderly care /hospice homes). I hold HPA and the firm responsible for saving all three of my homes. I have even made a self video to thank HPA.
kristen.bowen72 May 22, 2016
After we were able to get the exact dates for the sales dates, and the list of programs available to me, Bruce and HPA referred me to a law firm in my state of Maryland that was real estate specific. I have left comments and gratitude for the law firm on a separate website with the State Bar of Maryland thanking them. Thus I will keep these comments specific to the staff at Homeowner Protection Alliance.
kristen.bowen72 May 22, 2016
I found HPA online after coming onto the videos homeowners had made about them, and how they had been a great help. Because of the economy and the slowing of the elderly care industry all 3 of my properties, one of which is my main home were in foreclosure. Bruce at HPA got me on the phone with the lenders for all 3 homes and confirmed the exact auction dates for each, and was able to get the lender to explain to me what options i had. He did not charge me a penny, not once.
kristen.bowen72 May 22, 2016
As a small business owner in Maryland, I personally and professionally have experienced how years of hard work and dedication in building a company's reputation can be ruined by 10 minutes of online complaining and slander by a former employee or ungrateful client. I have an elderly care center and Hospice facility, and although over 98% of my clients have always been happy and satisfied, there will ALWAYS be the 2% who are never happy and are eager to ruin the reputation of a company. That being said:
ljf4617 April 19, 2016
See this webpage for the Cease and Desist order mentioned below: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/sites/default/files/consumer-services/enforcement-actions/C-14-1446-14-TD01.pdf?q=CS%20Orders/C-14-1446-14-TD01.pdf
ljf4617 April 19, 2016
See STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, CONSUMER SERVICES DIVISION, Temporary Order to CEASE AND DESIST. States that Secure Settlement, Inc. (Respondent Secure) is a corporation registered with California Secretary of State. Respondent Secure has never been licensed by the Dept of Financial Institutions of State of WA to conduct business as a mortgage broker. Benjamin Borazghi is the Pres of Respondent Secure. Respondent Borazghi also does business as Homeowner Protection Alliance!!
ljf4617 April 19, 2016
Look at HPA's website. There are many videos of customers and then look at Roosevelt Law Firm's website - same videos!!! Don't be scammed, run the other way. And any of the services Roosevelt Law says they can do for you are things you can do for yourself. Wish I had been forewarned. I did check their website at the time (when a realtor warned me about scams) and their website now is not the same as what I saw back in June 2015!
ljf4617 April 19, 2016
BEWARE!! Also notice when you call they do not give the name of their agency. Nor when there were emails back and forth it is only signed as Jim Waters, Intake Specialist (or Reema). Yes, they intake you if you have money (told me they wouldn't take me on unless I could pay to save my home and that all money sent to them would go towards my mortgage, had me wire them money but they give you the address of Roosevelt Law Firm. SCCCCAAAAAMMMMM!! I was ill (still am) and that is partly why I got sucked in.
ljf4617 April 19, 2016
THEY ARE A SCAM. The are a front for Roosevelt Law Firm PC. They funnel 'clients' they can bilk for money over to Roosevelt Law. Roosevelt Law has a suspended license for failure to pay taxes and their owner of process has Resigned. I am contacting the local sheriff regarding this scam and also getting a lawyer to sue to get my $$ back. Jim Waters and Reema LIED to me, got me hooked up with Roosevelt law and had me wire money to them. They didn't do a thing for me and I lost my home! In Wisconsin.
kantor1957 February 10, 2016
Mr Wallace, I can post the cancelled checks and all of the emails that Jim Waters at HPI sent me. They are a scam. You must work for them. I'm just now getting my credit back on track thanks to these thugs.
mwallace.itservices September 18, 2015
My name is Michael Wallace and I strongly disagree with the comment below. I contacted HPA (homeowner protection), spoke with Anthony F. First off they do not even charge anything, so whoever commented below is wrong off the bat or works for the dubious mortgage companies HPA fights against. They are not a scam and do not take any money. Anthony put the time in to do a conference call between me and my lender, confirmed facts about the foreclosure sales date that had been placed on my home by wells fargo.
kantor1957 August 09, 2015
This company is a SCAM!! They promised me they would do all this great stuff for me and all they did was take almost $2000 from me and get me 2 months behind on my mortgage which killed my beacon score. They are FAKE!! Do not give them any money!!