Updated 155 days ago
Rhythm Fix wants to create a more rhythmically aware culture because drumming together strengthens our community by creating an experience of undeniable belonging. We may meet for the first time, but as we play together in circle, we give ourselves a rhythmical massage, an emotional release and a healing. As membraneous amplifiers, the drum's acoustic vibration is played by all and the beat affects and holds us all like a mothers heartbeat... We can provide you with skilled African drumming workshops, unifying modern drum circles, passionate facilitators, energising world music performances and Djs, interactive whole school incursions, ongoing drum classes and we can also skin, tune and repair your broken djembe, dundun, conga or bongo drums... We can provide entertaining performances, drumming skills workshops and take the next step up from Drumbeat to DRUM JAM: a facilitated drum circle using mixed percussion that's amazing for larger music room groups and mixed ages like Out Of..