Updated 22 days ago
- Age: 36 years
- ID: 13164883/147
Founded in 1988, the FRANKLIN-GROVE CITY YMCA's mission is to foster strong individuals, families and communities with Christian principles by providing quality programs that strengthen Spirit, Mind and Body for all. The Franklin branch has been chartered since 1891 and has been a strong foundation in a tight knit community. The Grove City branch started its mission work in the Grove City Armory focusing primarily on the community's youth; it was not long before we realized our full outreach and potential impact to be able to serve other populations...
Today, the FRANKLIN-GROVE CITY YMCA employs 175 professionals and support staff who provide services to more than 21,000 children and adults annually. While the majority of those served reside in Mercer and Venango Counties, the YMCA's service area includes parts of Butler, Lawrence and Crawford counties as well.
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