Updated 22 days ago
- Age: 80 years
- ID: 13061238/142
Heuston Station Dublin 8 Ireland
Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) is Ireland's largest public transport provider. The key annual statistics are outlined below... The goal of the CIÉ Group ("the Group") is to deliver attractive sustainable public transport services, which supports the continued growth of the Irish economy and social cohesion. The Group has the unique capacity to manage a cost effective delivery of high quality public transport solutions across Ireland. The Group works in collaboration with its shareholder, the Minister of Transport, and with the regulator, the National Transport Authority (NTA)... Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ), was founded on 1st January 1945 under the Transport Act 1944. It united the Great Southern Railways (GSR) and the Dublin United Tramway Company (DUTC). The GSR operated rail, bus and lorry services. It had come into existence in 1925 when all the railway companies lying wholly within the Free State were amalgamated into one concern. Under the Transport Acts of 1932 and 1933 the GSR..