Updated 61 days ago
P.O. Box 11456 Oakland, CA 94611
Public Education. We provide a website and E-mail newsletter that communicate current information about the estuary, Lake Merritt, and Measure DD progress. Waterfront Action provides an educational booth at a range of public events and fairs. We publish interactive maps to inform the public, including an Oakland-Alameda Waterfront Public Access Map, Oakland-Alameda Waterfront History Map, and Oakland Measure DD Progress Map. View our Learn More page to see our range of education topics... Waterfront Action's mission is to promote public access to the Oakland-Alameda Estuary and Lake Merritt through public awareness, education, and direct action... Measure DD Administrative Support. Since 2009, Waterfront Action has focused its efforts on serving as Administrator for the Oakland Measure DD Community Coalition. We schedule Coalition meetings, reserve meeting venues, publish agendas and announcements, take and disseminate meeting minutes, and create, maintain, and publish Coalition web..
Also known as: Waterfront Action, Inc.