Updated 519 days ago
- Age: 27 years
- ID: 11744083/139
18445 Hwy 105 W Suite 102 PBM 289 Montgomery, Texas, 77356 USA
AC Group is one of the leading companies, specializing in the evaluation, selection, and ranking of vendors in the PMS/EHR, RCM, HIE, and Population Health marketplace. Twice per year, AC Group publishes a detailed report on vendor functional, usability, and company viability. This evaluation decision tool has been used by more than 200 hospitals and more thna 25,000 physicians since 2002. Additionally, AC Group has conducted more than 450 software searches, selections, and contract negotiations for ACOs, Hospital, and small physician offices to large IPAs...
AC Group, a nation-wide Healthcare Research and Advisory firm has released a new white paper titled "Do EHRs Increase Liability?...
For our healthcare physician clients, ACG provides independent advisory and consultative services designed to assist physicians in evaluating and selecting technology to enable the creation of the "The Digital Medical Office of the Future".
Also known as: AC Group, Inc.