Updated 67 days ago
Abamedia is an Austin, Texas-based company that specializes in two areas: media production and archival media licensing. The company uses its unique US-Russia business platform to better access the global media market and clients that include leading cultural institutions, businesses, and media companies in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Since 1978, Abamediafounder J. Mitchell Johnson has produced award-winning documentary and feature-length dramatic productions for the global marketplace... In addition to J. Mitchell Johnson, the Abamedia team is fortunate to have long-term working relationships with a highly experienced and esteemed group of advisors, academics, consultants, and industry professionals who regularly participate in varying capacities on specific projects... In 2010, Abamedia established a base in Rostov-on-Don, Russia while simultaneously focusing on media projects in and around San Francisco due to increasing demand for US-Russia cultural exchange. In addition to the..
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