TEL - Key Persons

Alexander F. Castellanos

Job Titles:
  • Instructor of Medical Students
Aikido is defined as "a way of life with harmony with nature." In parctice, one uses oncoming confrontation whether it's verbal, physical, or emotional and one response is to defuse the challenge in a non-violent, nonconfronational approach. Dr. Castellanos uses the "unbendable arm" exercise to illustrate three conditions that are applicable to life. Alexander F. Castellanos, M.D., is a graduate from the Stanford, University School of Medicine. Dr. Castellanos received his training at Stanford, USC, UCSF, Queens Square -London, England (Neurology), and IMAN - Mexico City (Pediatrics) Dr. Castellanos spent eight years as a trauma room physician. During the last 18 years, he has developed proactive investigations in the specialty of family medicine. As a result, he has been able to assist thousands of patients in preventing and reversing cardiovascular disease. Recently, Dr. Castellanos' practice was chosen by Stanford University for research collaboration for the risk assessment of cardiovascular disease. His goal as a physician is to alleviate barriers that exist between patient and physician, to motivate patients for better health. He is a member of several recognized medical associations. Dr. Castellanos is also a recognized Instructor of Medical Students and Nurse Practitioners from Stanford, UCSF, UCD, and USF.