Updated 25 days ago
- Age: 23 years
- ID: 10796571/152
PL 3, 00981 Helsinki, Finland
REABIC is a partner organisation and data provider for the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN...
The REABIC is started in 2001 as a web portal, providing access to the global, regional, sub-regional and national Internet resources on biological invasions (the Regional Biological Invasions Centre project, RBIC). At present REABIC is serving as an independent virtual data centre for applied research and management of invasive species focusing on the Euro-Asian region and providing online services for interested stakeholders around a World...
REABIC is hosting web sites of the International Society of Limnology Working Group on Aquatic Invasive Species (SIL WGAIS), and the European Information and Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species (ERNAIS).
Also known as: Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre, Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre Oy, The REABIC
Registration numbers: 2258647-9 (W)