Updated 23 days ago
- Age: 31 years
- ID: 10684068/152
Cooling Tower Ozonator ozonators CD series >> Ozone Generator CD 1000 Ozone
Ozone is a high energy and very unstable molecule composed of three oxygen atoms (O3). The extra atom of oxygen attempts to recombine any things in its path in order to stabilise. When it comes in contact with contaminants such as Bacteria, Virus, or Organic Waste Materials Ozone acts as an oxidizer. Ozone is the strongest oxidizer commercially available... India's most powerful ozonator generates 8 times more ozone per hour than most other models available here. This amount of power is required to remove the organic load in Indian waters. AQUAZONE systems adopt and conform to International Standards, thus out beating all other smaller ozonators. Only aquazone monitors sterility on-line unlike other ozone generators available in India. Having decades of practical experience at the numerous installations nation wide, our professionals are way ahead of any other organisation in the country in their knowledge and skills... Aquazone Systems & Engineering founded in 1993, offers..