Darrell specializes in electronics and software systems at Nova Photonics. He holds a degree in physics from Drexel University.
Ilker is a Research Physicist with Nova Photonics. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. She worked as a Research Associate at the UMD-College Park, later she joined the plasma diagnostics group at UW-Madison and became an Assistant Scientist. Before joining Nova Photonics she was a tenured Associate Professor at the Middle East Technical University (ODTU/METU) in Ankara, Turkey. Her expertise is in photonics, spectroscopy, plasma sources and laser/beam aided diagnostics.
Kelvin is a Sr. Optical Engineer with Nova Photonics. He holds a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering for the University of Texas at Dallas.
Matthew is a Research Physicist with Nova Photonics. He received his Ph.D. from West Virginia University in 2013. Prior to joining Nova he was a Post Doctoral Research associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 2013-2015.
Rahat is a mechanical engineer with Nova Photonics. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Rutgers University.
Yei Wo is a Sr. Optical Engineer with Nova Photonics. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Old Dominion University and did an NRC postdoc at JPL Caltech. Before joining Nova Photonics he worked at Perspecta Labs and Booz Allen Hamilton on optical research projects for the Dept. of Defense and other government agencies.