Updated 2 days ago
- Age: 31 years
- ID: 10581803/153
Népfürdő utca 19/C, Budapest, Hungary, H-1138
Molnár Graphic Design and Prepress Company was founded 28 years ago in August 1994 offering full-scale editing, graphic design and prepress services in Budapest, Hungary, Europe. Our services include scanning and colour separation of photos and slides, digital camera image correction, editing, design and layout. We provide high quality imposed, colour-separated printing films with proofs or laser transparency for less sophisticated printing jobs. For digital printing and CtP we provide appropriate PostScript or PDF files... Our clients include companies of various activities: printing houses, a fashion company, a scientific agency, trading companies, a publicity agency besides many others. Consequently we are working on a wide arrey of publications including books, magazines, brochures, calendars, flyers and stationery. We offer high quality service at a very competitive price... A Molnár Kiadványszerkesztő és Szolgáltató Betéti Társaság honlapja<br />Web site of Molnar Graphic..