Updated 1 day ago
- Age: 96 years
- ID: 9096109/126
59 Church St., St. Catharines, ON L2R 3C3
The Association is managed by a volunteer board of 15 directors who meet monthly. Not surprisingly, the Board's focus is primarily on the operation and upkeep of our law library. Sub-committees of the Board meet regularly to deal with personnel issues and to review the collection in order to ensure that our resources are up to date and meet the changing needs of our members. In recent years, we have been able to meet the needs of our computer savvy younger members while still maintaining a solid collection of printed materials for those more comfortable with the printed page. We maintain close ties with local law associations throughout Ontario and have the ability to access resources from across the province... The Associations strives to improve the expertise of our members by providing formal and informal continuing legal education. Programs range from the "Lunch ‘N Learn" series of lectures provided by local practitioners in the courthouse to day-long seminars hosted off site. We..
Also known as: Lincoln County Law Association