Updated 8 days ago
We have been selling and supporting Reckon Accounts (formerly known as Quickbooks) since we were first introduced to it in 1998. It's flexibility of use, comprehensive features and advanced drill-down set it apart from other accounting packages in that market segment. Reckon Accounts continues to be a great option for small to medium sized businesses... Not all accounting software resellers and users have strong accounting skills, And many accountants do not have an indepth knowledge of their clients' accounting programs. So often there is a disconnect between the numbers in your accounting system and the end of year reports provided by your accountant. At Server Group we beleive that if you are going to spend time and effort running your accounting system, the numbers might as well be accurate and meaningful. We can help you with those accounting queries that also require an understanding of how your accounting system works... Quickbooks Sales and Support. Sage ACT CRM Customer..
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