Updated 786 days ago
226-228 E. Market St., PO Box 1734 Johnson City, TN 37605
SB White is the premier mechanical contractor in the region installing all types of heating, air conditioning systems, plumbing in all kinds of buildings...
We are comfortable working in all types of hospital environments. We understand that anytime the wing of a hospital is shut down, that equals loss profits and revenue for the customer and so we work diligently to finish the project in the short window of time we are given to do the project...
Similar to Design-Build, we offer advice and cost estimates for general contractors, owners and design team professionals to use during the Pre-Construction phase of a project to help secure funding or put in the budget for next year. We lean on our extensive history of a vast array of different type projects to help perform budget type estimates to help predict future project costs.
Also known as: SB White Co., Inc.