Updated 117 days ago
4722 Bronze Way Dallas, TX 75236
In 1935, W.H. "Bill" Pierce and his wife moved to Dallas, TX, during the depression to start a small funeral supply business called Morticians Supply. Bill Pierce, a licensed funeral director / embalmer himself, knew what supplies a funeral home might need. More than that - he could see the changes that were to be made over the coming years, and he had innovative ideas on fluid design. Mr. Pierce began Pierce Chemical by visiting funeral homes in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas during the week and returning to Dallas to make the fluid over the weekend. At that time Mr. Pierce was the president, production supervisor, salesman and shipping clerk...
Over the years Pierce Chemical continued to grow and the need for additional staff became evident. Mr. Pierce hired L.G. "Darko" Fredrick who in 1959 would help author the book "Principles and Practice of Embalming". Mr. Paul Bollman was also hired and helped Mr. Pierce manage the outside sales team.