PRAXINET - Key Persons

Anthony D'Anna

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of BPM
  • Vice President of Business Intelligence
Anthony D'Anna, VP, Business Intelligence Practice, co-founded Praxinet in 1998. D'Anna brings over 13 years of experience in financial applications, consulting, and Business Intelligence solutions to Praxinet. Prior to joining Praxinet, D'Anna served as Director of Business Intelligence for Claremont Technology Group, in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. While at Claremont, D'Anna established the East Region's Business Intelligence practice, overseeing Claremont's East Coast operations. He is experienced both from the user and consulting sides and has developed budgeting and reporting processes for companies in a variety of industries. D'Anna's group developed financial reporting, budgeting, and analysis software for clients such as the American Stock Exchange, BMW Financial Services, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Con Edison, and Sterling Commerce. Previously, D'Anna served as VP of Corporate Financial Systems for Citibank/CitiCorp, where he managed worldwide budgeting, forecasting, and corporate consolidation for the entire bank. D'Anna holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University.

Bob Bedard - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Bob Bedard, President & CEO, has over 20 years experience building on-line businesses and products for the financial and communications industries. Bedard was Vice President of the Financial Service Practice at Claremont Technology Group (now Covansys), where he was directly responsible for creating a number of industry-first, internet-based applications for AIG, AT&T Universal Cards Services, and The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. Previously, Bedard was Program Director of IBM's Internet Division. While at IBM, Bedard managed IBM's participation in standards setting for MasterCard's and Visa's Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) for bankcard transactions, FSTC's E-check project, IBM's Network Centric Strategy, and IBM's Electronic Banking Strategy. Bedard authored a patent-pending internet-based microbilling and electronic commerce process for IBM. Bedard was one of the founders of Trintex and Prodigy Services in the 1980's. He pioneered the firms' approach and techniques for electronic commerce. Bedard co-authored the first industry standard communication protocol that supports the transmission of digital text and graphic objects via telephone and broadband, laying the groundwork for commercialization of on-line services. Bedard holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Science in Business Management from Columbia University.

Daniel Schmidt

Job Titles:
  • CIO of Constellation Software Describes His Company 's Experience With UnITy™
Daniel Schmidt, the CIO of Constellation Software describes his company's experience with UnITy™: "UnITy™ has been a tremendous benefit to us in a number of ways. We currently use it to load General Ledger data into OutlookSoft from over 30 different companies, each running their own Great Plains database. UnITy™ reduced the time and effort needed to load and process a year's worth of data by 90%. UnITy™ automatically performs all of the necessary queries, transformations, conversions, loadings and logic formula executions.

Eynav Azarya

Job Titles:
  • Panorama 's COO and Strategic Alliances Manager

Joseph Fuccillo

Job Titles:
  • Xand Corporation Senior Vice - President
Xand Corporation Senior Vice-President Joseph Fuccillo concurred that the partnership would provide both Xand and Praxinet customers a heightened level of services.

Richard Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Manager of Glastonbury